Friday, August 31, 2018

Re: [update] games/barony 3.2.1

David CARLIER <> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is an update to the 3.2.1 (got) version.
> Removing the shell "trick" not necessary anymore, the game now saving
> into the home directory.
> Regards.


The update doesn't work for me. The game crashes when I start a play.
I fetched the latest GOG
I tried with an empty ~/.barony too.

I'm on -current amd64

cat ~/.barony/log.txt
[15-47-50] Caught segfault at address 0x0
[15-47-50] Signal 11 (dumping stack):
0xf128d756048 <_Z17listDeconstructorPv+175944> at barony
0xf128d736432 <_Z17listDeconstructorPv+45874> at barony
0xf128d81f143 <_Z16actSpriteNametagP6Entity+68595> at barony
0xf128d75c07c <_Z17listDeconstructorPv+200572> at barony
0xf128d701946 <+86> at barony

In egdb I get this backtrace
(gdb) bt
#0 strlen () at /usr/src/lib/libc/arch/amd64/string/strlen.S:125
#1 0x0000183fdd6c1938 in std::__1::char_traits<char>::length (__s=0x0)
at /usr/src/lib/libcxx/include/string:647
#2 std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >::assign (
this=0x7f7ffffee740, __s=0x0) at /usr/src/lib/libcxx/include/string:2600
#3 0x0000183d1d436432 in physfsLoadMapFile(int, unsigned int, bool, int*) ()
#4 0x0000183d1d51f143 in handleMainMenu(bool) ()
#5 0x0000183d1d45c07c in main ()

About the diff, the README file should be updated because the game requires
assets for 3.2.x files now.

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