Monday, September 03, 2018

Re: how to install perl modules w/ dependencies that mix packages & CPAN

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 05:52:57PM -0700, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
> What's the "OpenBSD way" to install Perl modules which don't exist
> as packages?
> The usual Perl idiom for "install module foo & all of its (recursive)
> dependencies" is "cpan install foo", but this fetches all dependencies
> from CPAN, ignoring any OpenBSD packages which may exist. What I'd like
> is something like "cpan install foo", but with the semantics that for
> each dependency, if there's OpenBSD package in /etc/installurl which
> is the same module version as the latest CPAN version, then install
> the OpenBSD package instead. Is there a utility already around which
> does this?

Nope, we don't have this kind of thing so far.

One small problem being that the cpan semantics for dependencies are less
stringent than OpenBSD's, so you can't really distinguish between BUILD
and RUN depends.

The only automated tool dealing with cpan we have is the GSoC work from
Giannis Tsaraias, portgen

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