Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Re: spamd does not update /var/db/spamd

Chris Narkiewicz <hello@ezaquarii.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use spamd to block spam using graylisting, but the spamd
> database is not updated.
> I run /usr/libexec/spamd -v -d to see what's happening and I definitely
> see hosts connecting to it:
> (GREY) mytestemail@gmail.com> -> <hello@ezaquarii.com>
> Got Grey HELO mail-yb1-f176.google.com, IP from
> <mytestemail@gmail.com> to <hello@ezaquarii.com>
> added
> mail-yb1-f176.google.com
> <mytestemail@gmail.com>
> <hello@ezaquarii.com>
> connected for 11 seconds.
> I also tried to submit an email using Python SMTP library and I
> confirmed 451 Temporary failure response.
> But when I browse /var/db/spamd, there is nothing there.
> My spamd is running and is referring to a correct file:
> # ps aux | grep spamd
> _spamd 93211 0.0 0.1 9672 1492 ?? Isp 5:29AM 0:00.00 spamd:
> (pf <spamd-white> update) (spamd)
> _spamd 59023 0.0 0.5 10012 4836 ?? Ip 5:29AM 0:00.02 spamd:
> [priv] (greylist) (spamd)
> _spamd 13468 0.0 0.1 9640 1172 ?? Ip 5:29AM 0:00.00 spamd:
> (/var/db/spamd update) (spamd)
> Database file has correct perms:
> # ls- l /var/db/spamd
> -rw-r--r-- 1 _spamd _spamd 65536 Oct 30 05:30 /var/db/spamd
> # spamdb /var/db/spamd
> <empty output>
> My spamd config is default.
> OpenBSD 6.3.
> What is wrong with it?
> Best regards,
> Chris

do you run spamd-setup(8)?

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