Saturday, December 01, 2018

Re: port for vapier/pcalc

It would be better for all of us if you sent a complete port rather than
just a Makefile, since our feedback on the Makefile could very well
change other parts of a port (like, especially the pkg/PLIST).

Indeed, some of Klemens's feedback will change the resulting package.


On 12/1/18 4:58 PM, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 01, 2018 at 04:24:26PM -0500, Charles A Daniels wrote:
>> This is my first time porting, so apologies in advance for anything I
>> might have missed. I've been working on a port of pcalc
>> (, and I think it's nearly ready,
>> however there are few remaining bits that I would appreciate some
>> guidance on before the port is ready to be committed.
>> More general feedback on style or adherence to best practice is welcome
>> also, as I hope to package some other software in the near future.
> See for extensive information.
>> The current state of my Makefile follows, annotated with comments
> Answers inline.
>> regarding issues I would like help with. As it stands, the port works,
>> and the package can be built and installed, but the tests do
>> not work.
> That's good, I suggest working through the feedback, cross-checking
> with other ports on topics you're unsure about and then send a proper
> tarball to the list so other people can test, once you're confident
> things work as expected.
>> # $OpenBSD: Makefile.template,v 1.78 2018/07/09 15:00:06 jca Exp $
>> # TODO: does the above need to be modified?
> No, CVS takes care of that.
>> V = 4
>> COMMENT = Programmers calculator, command line utility.
>> DISTNAME = pcalc-${V}
>> PKGNAME = pcalc-$V
> These are the same, thus PKGNAME is redundant.
> If the version is not used anywhere else, just drop V as well and use
> `DISTNAME = pcalc-4' directly.
>> GH_ACCOUNT =    vapier
>> GH_PROJECT =    pcalc
>> GH_TAGNAME =    v4
> Either DISTNAME or GH_* is used, never both (is Makefile.template not
> clear enough about that?).
> Since their github offers unstable, automatically generated release
> tarballs only and the sourceforge page has no tarballs, GH_* should be
> used.
>> CATEGORIES = math
> "NOTE: Moved to ..."
> Since we're using GH_*, HOMEPAGE can now be dropped as well as the ports
> framework will already set it to their github page.
>> MAINTAINER = Charles Daniels <>
> Glad to see you want to take care of the package and ensure it will stay
> up to date.
>> # TODO: is this the correct way to indicate licensing?
>> # License is GPLv2 only
> Yes, `# GPLv2' is fine, but you can double check if it's GPLv2+ or
> GPLv3(+) really.
>> # TODO: can GPLv2 packages be distributed on the CDROM?
> Yes.
>> WANTLIB = c m
>> # TODO: flex is also used - pretty sure this is part of the bison package?
> No, you can check with `pkg_info -L bison'. flex(1) is in base.
>> BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/bison
>> # TODO: I think this is the "hardcoded paths" that portcheck reports - do
>> # these need to be changed?
> Yes, use ${LOCALBASE} here. Just look at how other ports do it and
> check what this variable means.
>> MAKE_FLAGS = BINDIR=/usr/local/bin/
>> FAKE_FLAGS = BINDIR=/usr/local/bin/
>> TEST_FLAGS = BINDIR=/usr/local/bin/
>> USE_GMAKE =        Yes
>> # TODO: currently broken, throws the error
>> #
>> #    Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION environment variable, please
> There are numerous examples in the tree that handle various different
> autoconf/automake use cases. I suggest checking them to see how it
> works.
>> # Not sure what the most correct way to handle this is, it doesn't look like
>> # there is a 'TEST_ENV', and even if so, how to determine the
> There is TEST_ENV as per
>> # value?
>> TEST_TARGET = check test
>> # TODO: do I need to explicitly add autoconf to TEST_DEPENDS?
> No.
>> .include <>

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