Saturday, September 25, 2021

Libsecret + gnome-keyring + qykeychain broken (was nextcloudclient fails to work with gnome-keyring)

Hello again.

I reproduced the issue once again:

I performed a fresh install of -current and installed Gnome.
Starting Gnome via GDM brings up all the services necessary
for storing secrets (dbus and gnome-keyring) out-of-the-box.

Nextcloud Client is still incapable of leveraging libsecret
or Gnome Keyring for storing secrets in a keyring in this

My conclussion, unless somebody brings an alternative, is
that either Libsecret, Gnome Keychain, qtkeychain or
Nextcloud Client are broken.

If it is one of the first three, it means such port is
broken since it cannot perform the primary function
expected from it.

Since interest in having this working is low I am
staying with my workaround of using kwalletd5 instead.
If anybody is willing to debug this problem further I
am willing to provide more information.

Rubén Llorente <> wrote:
> I have reproduced the issue in Fluxbox.
> ~.xession:
> /usr/local/bin/startfluxbox
> ~.fluxbox/startup
> if [ -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then
> eval $(dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session)
> fi
> exec fluxbox
> Under a similar configuration in Linux, Nextcloud calls
> a prompt for creating a password database on first launch,
> and stores the credentials in a keyring. In OpenBSD this
> happens not.
> Some worrying logs from Nextcloud:
> 2021-09-25 00:52:25:016 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]: Get QNAM
> 2021-09-25 00:52:25:667 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]: Fetch from keychain!
> 2021-09-25 00:52:25:985 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Backend unavailable (yet?) Retrying in a few seconds. "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:36:312 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Unable to read "someuser_clientCertificatePEM:https://somedomain.invalid/:0" chunk "0" "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:36:313 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Backend unavailable (yet?) Retrying in a few seconds. "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:46:491 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Unable to read "someuser_clientKeyPEM:https://somedomain.invalid/:0" chunk "0" "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:46:491 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.webflow ]: Unable to read client key "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:46:492 [ info nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Backend unavailable (yet?) Retrying in a few seconds. "Unknown error"
> 2021-09-25 00:52:56:186 [ warning nextcloud.sync.credentials.keychainchunk ]: Unable to read "someuser_clientCaCertificatePEM0:https://somedomain.invalid/:0" chunk "0" "Unknown error"
> "Unknown Error" is returned by qtkeychain when unable to operate its
> backend.
> Either there is a problem with libsecret or the PEBKAC level is
> astronomical at this point.
OpenPGP Key Fingerprint:
543F EB89 7FDE 8E33 AFF7 E794 E4AB 4807 58F7 6C76

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