Wednesday, September 22, 2021

nextcloudclient fails to work with gnome-keyring

Hello there!

I have been testing some machine for deployment as a workstation. I have set up XFCE4 as a desktop environment (which is launched by my .xsession file). I have also set nextcloudclient and installed gnome-keyring-daemon.

I have found that Nextcloud Client is unable to leverage gnome-keyring in order to save credentials securely. Nextcloud Client always complains because the secrets agent cannot be used because of an "Unknown Error".

Things I have tried in order to properly launch gnome-keyring-daemon include:

Using an .xsession script such as:

. $HOME/.profile
eval $(/usr/local/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start )

Also, I have tried using the XFCE4 desktop configuration tool, enabling Gnome Services on startup in the Advanced tab.

Essentially, I can get the keyring started, but nextcloud, or qtkeychain, or whatever backend is suppose to talk to gnome-keyring fails to find it.

As a workarround I am using Kwalletd5 for the time being, which works.

If anybody has any guide or instructions to set up gnome-keyring with nextcloudclient, or ideas to get such setup working, I am eager to read your ideas.

The working environment is OpenBSD 6.9 -RELEASE amd64.

OpenPGP Key Fingerprint:
543F EB89 7FDE 8E33 AFF7 E794 E4AB 4807 58F7 6C76

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