Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Re: 6.9/amd64 runaway acpi process on Thinkpad T580

the term "runaway ACPI" is not the best. What is probably happening
is a stuck interrupt.

We continue to fight these. Some of them are BIOS bugs, some are
undocumented behaviours, sometimes AML parse errors in setting things
up, and potentially a few are due to incorrect resume sequencing.
The suspend/resume specification is weak, and getting even weaker as
time goes by and newer machines come out which are poorly tested by
even the mainstream OS vendors.

Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn4242@gmail.com> wrote:

> After more experimentation, I find that the runaway ACPI process occurs
> every time I suspend/resume (Fn-backspace). (The system resumes fine
> apart from the runaway ACPI process.)
> Is there any to kill or reset the kernel ACPI process short of rebooting?
> /ps/ doen't see it, and /pkill/ (even /pkill -9/) has no effect.

No you cannot kill kernel threads...

> I will try compiling a custom kernel with ACPITHINKPAD_DEBUG defined
> in /usr/src/sys/dev/acpi/acpithinkpad.c and see if that prints anything
> interesting. Are there any other particularly useful debugging things
> I should explore to help track down the problem?

There are a few people who have experience with this. Maybe one of
them will mail you privately.

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