Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Re: apache-httpd-2.4.49 fails with mod_ssl (solved)

Hi Stuart!

Looks like it's just a one-off issue. On a second machine I skipped the `apachectl restart` and did the `rcctl restart apache2` and it worked fine on the first try. I suspect that `apachectl start` after the first failure would probably have worked as well, since the issue caused all httpd2 processes to terminate.

Also doing `apachectl restart` on an upgraded machine (apache-httpd-2.4.49) works fine.

I was not aware previously that `apachectl restart` would effectively be any different than `rcctl restart apache2`. But apparently it is. Possibly the `httpd2 -k restart` done by the apachectl script does not fully reload the httpd2 binary from disk? If that theory is correct then `apachectl stop;apachectl start` would probably have worked correctly as well.

Anyway, I hope I helped prevent anyone else getting a little scare like I did :-)
Mike Fischer

> Am 29.09.2021 um 00:14 schrieb Stuart Henderson <stu@spacehopper.org>:

> Is this just a one-off after upgrading or is it an ongoing problem?
> (I think it probably does want a proper stop+start, as "rcctl apache2
> restart" does, rather than just a HUP after an upgrade..).

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