Sunday, October 03, 2021

NEW: games/vvvvvv - a retro platformer with gravity-reversal puzzle mechanics


Please find attached a port of the game VVVVVV. It is an indie puzzle
platformer from 2010 that was recently released as open source. This
port is of the recently released version 2.3.4. It is licensed with a
modified zlib license [1]. The main modifications are restriction to
non-commercial use and requirement for an acknowledgment of copyright
"if you use this software in a product".

There is an existing port draft by bcallah@ and cwen@ in openbsd-wip
[2]. I've graciously adopted the patches to the bundled physfs for
big endian compatibility and to use ~/.local/share/VVVVVV/ for the
assets file

Some comments on where I diverge from the version in openbsd-wip:

- I think the license is still an opensource license ("Permission is
granted to anyone to use this software and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions...").
Therefore, PERMIT_PACKAGE=Yes should be fine, as this should fall
under non-commercial use.
- I put myself as maintainer, but if bcallah@ feels strongly about it,
he can have it!
- I left the GitHub homepage. The one in openbsd-wip
( is not very useful in my opinion.
- Compiles with std=c++98, so looks to me like base-gcc can be included
- Added a more detailed README on where to put assets. This also
includes the Copyright acknowledgment that asks for; not
sure if another place might be preferable to satisfy this...

Of note, the game can be tested either with from the
commercial version - I used the one from for my testing - or
by using the free "Make and Play Edition" assets [3]. Details on how
to use the assets are in the README.

Just as a warning: if no assets are found, for example if the wrong
path has been provided or nothing is in ~/.local/share/VVVVVV/, then
the game still starts and opens the initial window, but then does
nothing - not very clear, but the process can be interrupted or killed

comments? ok to import?


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