Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Re: ipsec with default route and routing of internal networks

On 14.9.2021. 13:12, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> On 13.9.2021. 15:52, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2021-09-13, Hrvoje Popovski <hrvoje@srce.hr> wrote:
>>> On 13.9.2021. 14:08, Tom Smyth wrote:
>>>> Can you do  an exception for the ranges ...  so internet - private ips
>>>> you dont want over the tunnel)
>>>> ike esp from <> to any encrypt  
>>>> and 
>>>> <> to   NOT  [networks you dont want
>>>> over the tunnel)  ? 
>>> :) this was the first thought that i've had ... but i couldn't find how
>>> to do it ... at least in man ipsec.conf or isakmpd.conf
>> You do this with a "bypass flow" in /etc/ipsec.conf:
>> flow from $network/$prefix to $network/$prefix type bypass
>> and loading it with ipsecctl. Note if you use iked, you cannot configure
>> this directly in iked.conf, but you can still use ipsecctl and ipsec.conf
>> for this purpose in conjunction with iked for tunnel setup.
> Thank you guys ... with "type bypass" everything is working as expected
> c/p from config
> ike esp from to any \
> local $localip peer $peerip \
> main auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
> quick enc aes-128-gcm group modp1024 \
> psk 123
> flow from to type bypass
> flow from to type bypass
> flow from to type bypass

and if you have carp (multicast) than you need
flow from to type bypass

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