Sunday, October 03, 2021

Re: NEW: fstrcmp 0.7.D001

On Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 05:14:43PM -0400, Brad Smith wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 12:59:28PM -0600, Thomas Frohwein wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 04:41:03AM -0400, Brad Smith wrote:
> > > Attached is a port of fstrcmp.
> > >
> > > Comment:
> > > library for fuzzy string comparisons
> > >
> > > Description:
> > > The fstrcmp package provides a library which may be used to make
> > > fuzzy comparisons of strings and byte arrays. It also provides
> > > simple commands for use in shell scripts.
> >
> > Does not install:
> >
> > [...]
> > CONFIG_FILES=libdir/pkgconfig/fstrcmp.pc:libdir/pkgconfig/ CONFIG_HEADERS= /bin/sh config.status
> > config.status: creating libdir/pkgconfig/fstrcmp.pc
> > /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/bin/install -c -m 644 libdir/pkgconfig/fstrcmp.pc /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fake-amd64/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/fstrcmp.pc
> > /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fake-amd64/usr/local/man
> > /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/bin/install -c -m 0755 -d /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fake-amd64/usr/local/man/man1
> > -I. man/man1/fstrcmp.1 | sed '/^[.]XX ./d' > man/man1/fstrcmp.1.tmp
> > /bin/sh: /bin/sh: -I: unknown option
> > *** Error 1 in /usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fstrcmp-0.7.D001 (Makefile:320 '/usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fake-amd64/usr/local/man/man1/fstrcmp.1')
> > *** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ '/usr/ports/pobj/fstrcmp-0.7.D001/fake-amd64/.fake_done': @cd /usr/ports/pob...)
> > *** Error 2 in /usr/ports/mystuff/devel/fstrcmp (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ 'fake': @lock=fstrcmp-0.7.D001; export _LOCK...)
> >
> > Full log of `make fake` at
> Ah, yes. There was a missing build depends. Thanks.

This builds now with the added dep on groff (which is mentioned in
BUILDING by the way).

This is a very timely port for a little project of mine. It works
without issues for me. Mainly tested with fstrcmp(1) which is just a
CLI wrapper for the library.

It's easy to test:

~$ fstrcmp foo bar
~$ fstrcmp foo foo
~$ fstrcmp foo Foo

This port is now ok thfr@; I'd be happy to import it if I can get
another ok.

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