Friday, December 02, 2022

Re: Xorg freeze with ThinkPad A485 / ATI Radeon Vega

On Fri Dec 2, 2022 at 12:14 AM CET, Joel Carnat wrote:
> Hi,
> About once a week, Xorg freezes while I'm using my ThinkPad A485 with OpenBSD 7.2. I've tried switching the window manager (XFCE, Gnome, WindowMaker, cwm) but it still happens. I only have a few apps opened (Firefox ESR, a terminal, a file manager). Tonight, I had just rebooted the system (because of syspatch and fw_update) and uptime was 1H30. The other times, I could suspend/resume a few times until freeze happened.
> Xorg is frozen in the sense that the cursor can only move but can't interact with windows. Same for the keyboard, no shortcuts works. I can't even switch to console with Ctrl+Alt+F1. I'm stuck with a screenshot-like of what I was doing.
> Note that sshd does work. I can remotely connect to the laptop. If I restart xenodm/gdm, it just fails. So I have to ˋrebootˋ.
> dmesg only outputs:
> [drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=19512, emitted seq=19512
> [drm] *ERROR* Process information: process pid 0 thread pid
> I've attached the full dmesg and Xorg logs.
> Is there something I can do to debug further?

What is happening in other parts? Like top(1), systat(1), vmstat(8),....
Any modifications in /etc/sysctl.conf for more files, connections,......
What login class are you in?

> Thanks,
> Joel C.

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