Saturday, June 29, 2024

Re: "native TeX Live" installation on OpenBSD

Am Sa., 22. Juni 2024 um 17:22 Uhr schrieb Robert Alessi
> I would like to share that since the release of TeX Live 2024, anyone


> The page given above provides an easy way to build one's own custom
> binaries to be used for the installation of TeX Live 2024 over the
> internet.

Do you mean to compile tex commands? What about this:

> I hope that anyone interested in the idea of constantly updating TeX
> Live over the year with the "tlmgr" standard utility will enjoy this
> little project.

I am really not interested of constantly updating TeX Live over the year,
not at all. I have my texmf directory than rarely change, after updating
OpenBSD I recompile the commands.

But am I "interested in the idea of constantly updating"? Perhaps!
Only out of curiosity. Please, tell me, do you constantly update TeX?
How did you came to idea?

I really wonder how TeX Life inflated TeX.


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