Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Re: OpenBSD runs hotter than Linux with same laptop, draws more electricity?

On 2024-07-01, A B <bndele@outlook.com> wrote:
> I just wonder why OpenBSD requires more CPU load for the same kind of activity (web browsing), and also appears to draw more electricity from the power supply when measured, compared to Linux, when using the same laptop?

This is not unexpected.

> Perhaps more Assembly instructions to complete the same task? But why? Memory protection kinds of checks?
> Note this is also when using the integrated (Intel) GPU.

A lot of this is down to Linux having spent more time on optimising
things for power consumption. Things like choices made in the scheduler
(deciding which cpu to run a process on) have an effect, especially on
certain cpu types, as well as code selecting cpu frequencies etc.

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