Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Re: [solved]: vi: How to display German umlauts?

Дана 24/07/09 07:00PM, Anon Loli написа:
> > All that's missing is the URL to the source code of that wonderful
> > editor... if it exists at all.
> >
> It's currently offline, off the internet, as far as I know, it was last hosted
> on my eepsite, but circumstances mandated that I had to take down the epsite
> because the site was outdated and insecure due to the circumstances
> It's not usable and probably won't be as beautiful as Neatvi or Arab-friendly

Right... "circumstances". How convenient.

By the way, this function:

find . -name '*.[ch]' -exec wc -l {} \; |
awk '{
size = $1
f = $2
sum += size
printf "%10d %s\n", size, f
printf "%10d total\n", sum


550599 total

when run in the root of Vim's repository. Aside from being a rough
estimate (it doesn't distinguish comment lines from real code), that
includes X11 code and various other features which could be opted out.

Anyway, vis[1] (vise(1) in OpenBSD: `pkg_add vis`) has some of the
functionality I mentioned earlier, and supports Unicode. The above
function gives

28927 total

for vis.

[1]: https://github.com/martanne/vis

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