Thursday, July 04, 2024

Re: /sys is a symlink to an empty directory

On 2024/07/04 17:08:53 +0000, Anon Loli <> wrote:
> Hello mailing list
> Probably a stupid question, but I reinstalled OpenBSD like 10 times this week,
> and every time I went to compile the kernel like it says in the documentation,
> I could always cd into /sys/dev..., but this install it seems like /sys points
> to "usr/src/sys" (it's "usr", not "/usr").
> All I did on this install was download tar.gz files and extract them in /usr,
> including the /usr/sys folder, which was supposed to be in /sys pre-installed
> with the system, what's happening?
> Did I broke something again and need to install again? -_-
> I'm currently following documentation and doing everything in /usr/sys
> (extracted AND VERIFIED from tar.gz) as if it were /sys
> I'm sorry if this is a stupid question
> Partition table:
> /
> /home
> /tmp
> /usr
> /usr/X11R6
> /usr/local
> /usr/obj
> /usr/ports
> /usr/ports/pobj
> /usr/src
> /var
> All of them are <25% of capacity, it's a fresh install

Don't think it's a stupid question, but also nothing to worry. AFAICS
/sys is always installed as a symlink to /usr/src/sys which works assuming
that you have the sources checked out in /usr/src (either via the
tarball, cvs, or got/git.)

I guess it's just to save some typing, not really sure, but nothing to
worry about :)


Omar Polo

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