Thursday, August 29, 2024

Re: Alternative mailing lists

This is by far the most poorly written email I've ever read.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 2:49 PM Anon Loli <> wrote:
> Hello, OpenBSD friends!
> Is there an alternative mailing list, or we can To and CC a bunch of people at
> once, I believe.
> The problem is that I have been censored plenty of times on @misc, @bugs and
> probably also @tech, and although I despise that, it's someone else's servers
> so what can I really do about it and should I even, right? :)
> I don't have to talk about everything I want on OpenBSD official mailing lists
> (even if it's a serious and an OpenBSD topic), and neither do you, all I'm
> asking here that those who are interested in hearing what I, the censored
> friend of yours has to say, can.
> If you at all value not just the right, but the mere possibility to say
> something to someone who wants to hear, allow this e-mail to go trough, pretty
> please.
> And if at all you found me in the least bit interesting, over all of my
> e-mails to the formentioned lists, you should send me an e-mail and you will
> hear from me.
> And would this e-mail pass trough, then I applaud you for taking up with this
> empty e-mail.

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