Friday, August 30, 2024

Re: Desktop

Дана 24/08/30 02:28AM, Karsten Pedersen написа:
> Slight nitpick, but the default is fvwm(1) based on what launches if
> your user account has no custom ~/.xinitrc or ~/.xsession.
> For cwm(1) or twm(1), these need to be specified manually.

I stand partially corrected. The actual "default" in
/etc/X11/xenodm/Xsession is indeed fvwm. However, in the
"Customizing X" part of the OpenBSD "The X Window System" FAQ[1], which
a new user is expected to read, the sample configuration uses cwm.

Дана 24/08/30 04:13AM, написа:
> Ship it with XFCE4 pre-built instead of CWM or both.

But there *are* pre-built XFCE-related packages for OpenBSD:

# pkg_info -Q xfce | less
# pkg_add xfce

If you meant "installed by default", then (thankfully) that's not going
to happen. The defaults in OpenBSD are chosen deliberately and with


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