Thursday, August 29, 2024

Re: [maint-update] mail/mu 1.10.8 -> 1.12.6

On 2024/08/24 16:56:17 +0200, Stefan Hagen <> wrote:
> Hello,
> this is a major update to mail/mu.
> There are a lot of changes. Please read /usr/local/share/doc/mu/
> or its online equivalent
> The test target has one test failing for mu, and two failing for
> mu-guile. That's expected as they both access paths not allowed with
> enabled privsep in ports. When executed manually outside the ports
> infrastructure, they run fine.
> I'm mainly using "mu" with mutt, therefore I'm looking for people that
> use the mu4e and the guile part for some tests and OKs / comments.

I stopped using mu4e in my day-to-day since i've switched to mblaze, but
I tried the update with my old config and it still works fine :)

Never used the guile part.

diff also looks fine, so ok op@ fwiw

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