Friday, August 30, 2024

Re: [NEW]: net/hopm - open-proxy monitor irc bot

On 2024/08/29 23:07, A Tammy wrote:
> On 8/19/24 3:24 PM, Chaz Kettleson wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 03:48:20PM GMT, Omar Polo wrote:
> >> On 2024/08/17 16:28:35 +0100, Stuart Henderson <> wrote:
> >>> ok
> >> Imported
> >>
> >> Thank you,
> >>
> >> Omar Polo
> >>
> > Thanks everyone! Great feedback.
> >
> > Below are patches for pledge/unveil for feedback/discussion.
> >
> > Here is the approach that was taken:
> >
> > - Start with minimal set of promises that did not crash and from review
> > stdio
> > rpath - hopm config file, firedns config
> > wpath - pid file, log file, scanlog file
> > cpath - pid file, log file, scanlog file
> > inet
> > dns
> > proc - fork (maybe we can remove fork and rc_bg?)
> > exec - execv on restart
> > unveil
> > - Initially unveil nothing
> > - Remove unneeded chdir (locations are no longer relative)
> > - Unveil only what is needed if it's needed before main loop
> > LOGFILE, wc
> > SCANLOG, wc (only if the option is enabled)
> > HOPM_BINPATH, x (for execv on restart)
> > - Reduce promises before main loop
> > stdio
> > inet
> > dns
> > exec
> >
> committed, thanks!

That feels premature

The initial pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath inet dns proc exec unveil"
and unveil("/", "") at the start of main are not how pledge/unveil are
normally used

What reason is there for removing the chdir?

Why go to the trouble of setting up dynamic unveils when filesystem
access is disabled with pledge("stdio inet dns exec" anyway?

Is there any analysis to show that it doesn't use any syscalls which
it has pledged not to use other than "it didn't crash"? I think nm -s
and looking for the library functions used is a good start at that

Also this was committed without bumping REVISION.

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