Sunday, September 01, 2024

Re: firefox can't save file do ~/Downloads

Le 01/09/2024 à 12:55, Jon Fineman a écrit :
> When I try and print to pdf/save file to ~/Downloads I get the
> following message:
> The folder contents could not be displayed
> You do not have access to the specified folder.
> Not sure when it stopped working (recently though, last few weeks). It
> had been working. I can see the ~/Downloads directory and
> contents. Just can't write to it.
> Mozilla Firefox 129.0.2
> 7.6 GENERIC.MP#299 amd64
> I don't believe I changed my unveil files.
> (/etc/firefox)$: grep Downloads *
> unveil.content:~/Downloads r
> unveil.main:~/Downloads rwc
> (/etc/firefox)$:
> Any thoughts on what might have changed?
> Thanks.
> Jon
is ~/Downloads a directory or a symbolic link?
It will not work if it is a symbolic link.

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