Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Re: softdep as well as noatime on each partition?

On 9/17/24 12:51, Ronny Machado wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Geoff...what you said, makes me wonder if putting
> those in my fstab is what has been causing that laptop random hang
> ups...
> R.
Memory congestion or paging/swapping can seem to slow a system by 50x or

Congestion caused by backed-up disk writes can be helped with noatime.

Programs actively touching amounts of virtual memory greater than
physical RAM can also be a problem.

A recent penguin system with 8GB of RAM appeared to hang when
more than 10 Firefox windows were open.
top reported RAM full and 7GB of swap space in use.
Closing 6 windows cleared the problem.

If you can get top running in a terminal window the memory display
near the top of the screen shows RAM and swap usage.

geoff steckel

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