Monday, September 30, 2024

Re: [update] sysutils/trash-d 18 -> 19

Now that the tree has been unlocked... ping :)

2024-09-06T12:11:58Z Stuart Henderson:
> You probably want a MODRUBY_RUNDEP=No in there. Otherwise looks ok to
> me, I am already keeping track of too many other things at the moment
> so I'll leave it for someone else to decide how long to wait for a
> maintainer reply or timeout ;)
> On 2024/09/06 07:05, Johannes Thyssen Tishman wrote:
> > ping
> >
> > 2024-08-27T15:38:52Z Johannes Thyssen Tishman <>:
> >
> > > 2024-08-27T14:59:39Z "Stuart Henderson" <>:
> > > > On 2024/08/27 10:56, aisha wrote:
> > > > > On 24/08/27 04:19PM, Johannes Thyssen Tishman wrote:
> > > > > > 2024-08-27T14:16:22Z "Stuart Henderson" <>:
> > > > > > > On 2024/08/27 16:08, Johannes Thyssen Tishman wrote:
> > > > > > > > …
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > cc bcallah@ as maintainer.
> > > > >
> > > > > Tests didn't pass due to /nonexistent not existing
> > > > > The following patch makes the tests pass:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > diff --git a/sysutils/trash-d/Makefile b/sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > > > index 75ea2543ff7..b55800f448b 100644
> > > > > --- a/sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > > > +++ b/sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > > > @@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ do-install:
> > > > >     ${INSTALL_MAN} ${FILESDIR}/trash.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
> > > > >
> > > > > do-test:
> > > > > -   cd ${WRKSRC} && dub test --cache=local --compiler=dmd
> > > > > +   cd ${WRKSRC} && env HOME=${WORKDIR} dub test --cache=local
> > > > > --compiler=dmd
> > > >
> > > > typo WORKDIR/WRKDIR. but usually you'd set PORTHOME=${WRKDIR}.
> > >
> > > I couldn't get test to work by setting PORTHOME Stuart, so I left
> > > aisha's suggestion. Please find an updated diff below (or attached in
> > > case it doesn't apply).
> > >
> > > diff /usr/ports
> > > commit - 2003574914afffd3e34aeabd766f49c0fc7ed7a0
> > > path + /usr/ports
> > > blob - f70621820d7345d1d44ac0da05becdba829d70e0
> > > file + sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > +++ sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > @@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
> > > ONLY_FOR_ARCHS =   amd64
> > >
> > > COMMENT =  commandline FreeDesktop trash bin utility
> > > -REVISION = 1
> > > CATEGORIES =   sysutils
> > >
> > > GH_ACCOUNT =   rushsteve1
> > > GH_PROJECT =   trash-d
> > > -GH_TAGNAME =   18
> > > +GH_TAGNAME =   19
> > >
> > > MAINTAINER =   Brian Callahan <>
> > >
> > > @@ -16,28 +15,25 @@ PERMIT_PACKAGE =    Yes
> > >
> > > WANTLIB += c c++abi execinfo m pthread
> > >
> > > -BUILD_DEPENDS =    lang/dmd
> > > +MODULES = lang/ruby
> > >
> > > +BUILD_DEPENDS =    lang/dmd \
> > > +       textproc/ruby-ronn
> > > +
> > > # dub,dmd includes dmd compiler
> > > TEST_DEPENDS = devel/dub,dmd
> > >
> > > -# Check to see if the manual page needs to be updated.
> > > -# To update: pandoc -s -f markdown -t man -o trash.1
> > > -#            Put the new trash.1 in ${FILESDIR}
> > > -#            Update sha256 hash here
> > > -post-patch:
> > > -   @[ `sha256 < ${WRKSRC}/` ==
> > > 3b6f8936d018781146eb4036a492281443ea60de06adea6471f065c70d1c466e ] || \
> > > -       (echo "*** manpage changed; regenerate ${FILESDIR}/trash.1";
> > > sleep 3)
> > > -
> > > do-build:
> > >     cd ${WRKSRC} && dmd -O -release -inline -Isource -J. -oftrash \
> > >         source/app.d source/trash/*.d
> > >
> > > do-install:
> > >     ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/trash ${PREFIX}/bin
> > > -   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${FILESDIR}/trash.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
> > > +   ronn${GEM_BIN_SUFFIX} --roff --pipe ${WRKSRC}/ > \
> > > +       ${PREFIX}/man/man1/trash.1
> > >
> > > do-test:
> > > -   cd ${WRKSRC} && dub test --cache=local --compiler=dmd
> > > +   cd ${WRKSRC} && \
> > > +       env HOME=${WRKDIR} dub test --cache=local --compiler=dmd
> > >
> > > .include <>
> > > blob - 4eeef1d25f06d806d7843a6eae61516ba65100df
> > > file + sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > +++ sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
> > > -SHA256 (trash-d-18.tar.gz) =
> > > SJMqcL0J7Po7l1UG07KcIyMSa87jzVjQaisiPavp//I=
> > > -SIZE (trash-d-18.tar.gz) = 16994
> > > +SHA256 (trash-d-19.tar.gz) =
> > > nq5us12G4bOIpElb0y4hvSV/zQJjVDD0uwOhNLhc7v8=
> > > +SIZE (trash-d-19.tar.gz) = 17318
> > > blob - 9ac3edb2ed14a1949be10e373bc2aee58c5b3443
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/files/trash.1
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
> > > -.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
> > > -.\"
> > > -.
> > > -.TH "TRASH" "1" "July 2022" "" ""
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "NAME"
> > > -\fBtrash\fR \- A near drop\-in replacement for \fBrm\fR that uses the
> > > trash bin
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -\fBNote:\fR The name of this software is "trash\-d" however its
> > > executable is simply called \fB\fBtrash\fR\fR\. This manual favors the
> > > latter, but the two should be considered interchangable\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "SYNOPSIS"
> > > -trash [\fIoption\fR]\.\.\. \fIfile\fR\.\.\.
> > > -.
> > > -A near drop\-in replacement for \fB\fBrm\fR\fR(1) that uses the
> > > FreeDesktop trash bin\. Written in the D programming language using only
> > > D\'s Phobos standard library\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -The options and flags are intended to mirror \fB\fBrm\fR\fR\'s closely,
> > > with some additional long options for the \fB\fBtrash\fR\fR specific
> > > features\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Options"
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-d\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-dir\fR\fR
> > > -Remove empty directories\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-r\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-R\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-recursive\fR\fR
> > > -Delete directories and their contents\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-v\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-verbose\fR\fR
> > > -Print more information\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-i\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-interactive\fR\fR
> > > -Ask before each deletion\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-I\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-interact\-once\fR\fR
> > > -Ask before deleting 3 or more files, or deleting recursively
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-f\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-force\fR\fR
> > > -Don\'t prompt and ignore errors\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-version\fR\fR
> > > -Output the version and exit\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-list\fR\fR
> > > -List out the files in the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-orphans\fR\fR
> > > -List orphaned files in the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-delete\fR\fR \fIfile\fR
> > > -Delete a file from the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-restore\fR\fR \fIfile\fR
> > > -Restore a file from the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-empty\fR\fR
> > > -Empty the trash bin\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-rm\fR\fR \fIfiles\fR\.\.\.
> > > -Escape hatch to permanently delete a file\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-h\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-help\fR\fR
> > > -This help information\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Precedence"
> > > -The \fB\fB\-\-help\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-version\fR\fR,
> > > \fB\fB\-\-list\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-orphans\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-restore\fR\fR,
> > > \fB\fB\-\-delete\fR\fR, and \fB\fB\-\-empty\fR\fR flags all cause the
> > > program to short\-circuit and perform only that operation and no
> > > others\. Their precedence is in that order exactly, and is intended to
> > > cause the least destruction\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -Therefore the command \'\fBtrash \-\-empty \-\-list\fR\' will list the
> > > trash bin and NOT empty it\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -\fBNote:\fR Before version 11 trash\-d followed a slightly incorrect
> > > precedence order\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Compatibility with rm(1)"
> > > -One of trash\-d\'s primary goals is near compatibility with the GNU
> > > \fB\fBrm(1)\fR\fR tool\. The keyword here is "near"\. The goal is not
> > > exact flag\-for\-flag compatibility with \fB\fBrm\fR\fR, but you should
> > > be able to \'\fBalias rm=trash\fR\' and not notice the difference\. But
> > > since \fB\fBrm\fR\fR has different failure states and error messages it
> > > can never be 100% compatible\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -Additionally since there are a few different implementations of
> > > \fB\fBrm(1)\fR\fR (BSDs and so on) that are all subtly incompatible with
> > > each other I can\'t guarantee compatibility with all versions\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -As of version 16 unknown options will throw an error\. Prior to version
> > > 16 unknown options were silently ignored\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -As of version 17 trash\-d will not follow symlinks recursively through
> > > directories\. This may in some cases be inconsistent with \fB\fBrm\fR\fR
> > > but errs on the side of not deleting your files\.
> > > -.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fBXDG_DATA_HOME\fR\fR
> > > -This variable is used to determine where the default trash directory is
> > > for this user as per the FreeDesktop specification\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fBTRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR
> > > -Override the trash directory to the specified path, useful for trashing
> > > on removable devices\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "FILES"
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB$XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash\fR\fR
> > > -Standard location of trash files and metadata as per the FreeDesktop
> > > specification\. Used in the absence of \fB\fB$TRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB~/\.local/share/Trash\fR\fR
> > > -The fallback path used in the absence of both
> > > \fB\fB$XDG_DATA_HOME\fR\fR and \fB\fB$TRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "EXIT STATUS"
> > > -\fB\fBtrash\fR\fR exits with the status code 0 on success, and >0 if an
> > > error occurs\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "SEE ALSO"
> > > -\fB\fBrm\fR\fR(1), \fB\fBuser\-dirs\.conf\fR\fR(5)
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "STANDARDS"
> > > -By mimicking \fBrm\fR this utility is partially POSIX compliant however
> > > this is \fBNOT\fR to be relied upon for any purpose\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -trash\-d is compliant with the FreeDesktop trash specification: https://specifications\.freedesktop\.org/trash\-spec/trashspec\-latest\.html
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "AUTHOR"
> > > -Steven vanZyl \fIrushsteve1@rushsteve1\.us\fR
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -The up\-to\-date sources can be found at:
> > > https://github\.com/rushsteve1/trash\-d
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "BUGS"
> > > -https://github\.com/rushsteve1/trash\-d/issues
> > > blob - 53c44848b8557cdf860f30e151bbd4e8ffbdac2e
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/patches/patch-dub_json
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
> > > -Index: dub.json
> > > ---- dub.json.orig
> > > -+++ dub.json
> > > -@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
> > > -   "authors": ["Steven vanZyl <>"],
> > > -   "copyright": "Copyright © 2022, Steven vanZyl",
> > > -   "description": "A near drop-in replacement for rm that uses the
> > > trash bin",
> > > --  "version": "18",
> > > -+  "version": "18.0.0",
> > > -+  "shortVersion": "18",
> > > -   "versionName": "M. Bison",
> > > -   "license": "MIT",
> > > -   "name": "trash-d",
> > > blob - 9f9ba81c0c645bdde92ad6fb2c1fb8bd47323281
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/patches/patch-source_trash_ver_d
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
> > > -Index: source/trash/ver.d
> > > ---- source/trash/ver.d.orig
> > > -+++ source/trash/ver.d
> > > -@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const string VER_TEXT = format("trash-d version %s
> > > '%s
> > > - const string COPY_TEXT = copy_text_from_json();
> > > -
> > > - private int version_from_json() {
> > > --  return DUB_JSON.parseJSON()["version"]!int;
> > > -+  return DUB_JSON.parseJSON()["shortVersion"]!int;
> > > - }
> > > -
> > > - private string version_name_from_json() {
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------
> > > diff /usr/ports
> > > commit - 2003574914afffd3e34aeabd766f49c0fc7ed7a0
> > > path + /usr/ports
> > > blob - f70621820d7345d1d44ac0da05becdba829d70e0
> > > file + sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > +++ sysutils/trash-d/Makefile
> > > @@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
> > > ONLY_FOR_ARCHS =   amd64
> > >
> > > COMMENT =  commandline FreeDesktop trash bin utility
> > > -REVISION = 1
> > > CATEGORIES =   sysutils
> > >
> > > GH_ACCOUNT =   rushsteve1
> > > GH_PROJECT =   trash-d
> > > -GH_TAGNAME =   18
> > > +GH_TAGNAME =   19
> > >
> > > MAINTAINER =   Brian Callahan <>
> > >
> > > @@ -16,28 +15,25 @@ PERMIT_PACKAGE =    Yes
> > >
> > > WANTLIB += c c++abi execinfo m pthread
> > >
> > > -BUILD_DEPENDS =    lang/dmd
> > > +MODULES = lang/ruby
> > >
> > > +BUILD_DEPENDS =    lang/dmd \
> > > +       textproc/ruby-ronn
> > > +
> > > # dub,dmd includes dmd compiler
> > > TEST_DEPENDS = devel/dub,dmd
> > >
> > > -# Check to see if the manual page needs to be updated.
> > > -# To update: pandoc -s -f markdown -t man -o trash.1
> > > -#            Put the new trash.1 in ${FILESDIR}
> > > -#            Update sha256 hash here
> > > -post-patch:
> > > -   @[ `sha256 < ${WRKSRC}/` ==
> > > 3b6f8936d018781146eb4036a492281443ea60de06adea6471f065c70d1c466e ] || \
> > > -       (echo "*** manpage changed; regenerate ${FILESDIR}/trash.1";
> > > sleep 3)
> > > -
> > > do-build:
> > >     cd ${WRKSRC} && dmd -O -release -inline -Isource -J. -oftrash \
> > >         source/app.d source/trash/*.d
> > >
> > > do-install:
> > >     ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/trash ${PREFIX}/bin
> > > -   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${FILESDIR}/trash.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
> > > +   ronn${GEM_BIN_SUFFIX} --roff --pipe ${WRKSRC}/ > \
> > > +       ${PREFIX}/man/man1/trash.1
> > >
> > > do-test:
> > > -   cd ${WRKSRC} && dub test --cache=local --compiler=dmd
> > > +   cd ${WRKSRC} && \
> > > +       env HOME=${WRKDIR} dub test --cache=local --compiler=dmd
> > >
> > > .include <>
> > > blob - 4eeef1d25f06d806d7843a6eae61516ba65100df
> > > file + sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > +++ sysutils/trash-d/distinfo
> > > @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
> > > -SHA256 (trash-d-18.tar.gz) =
> > > SJMqcL0J7Po7l1UG07KcIyMSa87jzVjQaisiPavp//I=
> > > -SIZE (trash-d-18.tar.gz) = 16994
> > > +SHA256 (trash-d-19.tar.gz) =
> > > nq5us12G4bOIpElb0y4hvSV/zQJjVDD0uwOhNLhc7v8=
> > > +SIZE (trash-d-19.tar.gz) = 17318
> > > blob - 9ac3edb2ed14a1949be10e373bc2aee58c5b3443
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/files/trash.1
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
> > > -.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
> > > -.\"
> > > -.
> > > -.TH "TRASH" "1" "July 2022" "" ""
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "NAME"
> > > -\fBtrash\fR \- A near drop\-in replacement for \fBrm\fR that uses the
> > > trash bin
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -\fBNote:\fR The name of this software is "trash\-d" however its
> > > executable is simply called \fB\fBtrash\fR\fR\. This manual favors the
> > > latter, but the two should be considered interchangable\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "SYNOPSIS"
> > > -trash [\fIoption\fR]\.\.\. \fIfile\fR\.\.\.
> > > -.
> > > -A near drop\-in replacement for \fB\fBrm\fR\fR(1) that uses the
> > > FreeDesktop trash bin\. Written in the D programming language using only
> > > D\'s Phobos standard library\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -The options and flags are intended to mirror \fB\fBrm\fR\fR\'s closely,
> > > with some additional long options for the \fB\fBtrash\fR\fR specific
> > > features\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Options"
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-d\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-dir\fR\fR
> > > -Remove empty directories\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-r\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-R\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-recursive\fR\fR
> > > -Delete directories and their contents\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-v\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-verbose\fR\fR
> > > -Print more information\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-i\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-interactive\fR\fR
> > > -Ask before each deletion\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-I\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-interact\-once\fR\fR
> > > -Ask before deleting 3 or more files, or deleting recursively
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-f\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-force\fR\fR
> > > -Don\'t prompt and ignore errors\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-version\fR\fR
> > > -Output the version and exit\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-list\fR\fR
> > > -List out the files in the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-orphans\fR\fR
> > > -List orphaned files in the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-delete\fR\fR \fIfile\fR
> > > -Delete a file from the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-restore\fR\fR \fIfile\fR
> > > -Restore a file from the trash\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-empty\fR\fR
> > > -Empty the trash bin\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-\-rm\fR\fR \fIfiles\fR\.\.\.
> > > -Escape hatch to permanently delete a file\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB\-h\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-help\fR\fR
> > > -This help information\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Precedence"
> > > -The \fB\fB\-\-help\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-version\fR\fR,
> > > \fB\fB\-\-list\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-orphans\fR\fR, \fB\fB\-\-restore\fR\fR,
> > > \fB\fB\-\-delete\fR\fR, and \fB\fB\-\-empty\fR\fR flags all cause the
> > > program to short\-circuit and perform only that operation and no
> > > others\. Their precedence is in that order exactly, and is intended to
> > > cause the least destruction\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -Therefore the command \'\fBtrash \-\-empty \-\-list\fR\' will list the
> > > trash bin and NOT empty it\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -\fBNote:\fR Before version 11 trash\-d followed a slightly incorrect
> > > precedence order\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SS "Compatibility with rm(1)"
> > > -One of trash\-d\'s primary goals is near compatibility with the GNU
> > > \fB\fBrm(1)\fR\fR tool\. The keyword here is "near"\. The goal is not
> > > exact flag\-for\-flag compatibility with \fB\fBrm\fR\fR, but you should
> > > be able to \'\fBalias rm=trash\fR\' and not notice the difference\. But
> > > since \fB\fBrm\fR\fR has different failure states and error messages it
> > > can never be 100% compatible\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -Additionally since there are a few different implementations of
> > > \fB\fBrm(1)\fR\fR (BSDs and so on) that are all subtly incompatible with
> > > each other I can\'t guarantee compatibility with all versions\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -As of version 16 unknown options will throw an error\. Prior to version
> > > 16 unknown options were silently ignored\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -As of version 17 trash\-d will not follow symlinks recursively through
> > > directories\. This may in some cases be inconsistent with \fB\fBrm\fR\fR
> > > but errs on the side of not deleting your files\.
> > > -.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fBXDG_DATA_HOME\fR\fR
> > > -This variable is used to determine where the default trash directory is
> > > for this user as per the FreeDesktop specification\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fBTRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR
> > > -Override the trash directory to the specified path, useful for trashing
> > > on removable devices\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "FILES"
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB$XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash\fR\fR
> > > -Standard location of trash files and metadata as per the FreeDesktop
> > > specification\. Used in the absence of \fB\fB$TRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR\.
> > > -.
> > > -.TP
> > > -\fB\fB~/\.local/share/Trash\fR\fR
> > > -The fallback path used in the absence of both
> > > \fB\fB$XDG_DATA_HOME\fR\fR and \fB\fB$TRASH_D_DIR\fR\fR\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "EXIT STATUS"
> > > -\fB\fBtrash\fR\fR exits with the status code 0 on success, and >0 if an
> > > error occurs\.
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "SEE ALSO"
> > > -\fB\fBrm\fR\fR(1), \fB\fBuser\-dirs\.conf\fR\fR(5)
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "STANDARDS"
> > > -By mimicking \fBrm\fR this utility is partially POSIX compliant however
> > > this is \fBNOT\fR to be relied upon for any purpose\.
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -trash\-d is compliant with the FreeDesktop trash specification: https://specifications\.freedesktop\.org/trash\-spec/trashspec\-latest\.html
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "AUTHOR"
> > > -Steven vanZyl \fIrushsteve1@rushsteve1\.us\fR
> > > -.
> > > -.P
> > > -The up\-to\-date sources can be found at:
> > > https://github\.com/rushsteve1/trash\-d
> > > -.
> > > -.SH "BUGS"
> > > -https://github\.com/rushsteve1/trash\-d/issues
> > > blob - 53c44848b8557cdf860f30e151bbd4e8ffbdac2e
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/patches/patch-dub_json
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
> > > -Index: dub.json
> > > ---- dub.json.orig
> > > -+++ dub.json
> > > -@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
> > > -   "authors": ["Steven vanZyl <>"],
> > > -   "copyright": "Copyright © 2022, Steven vanZyl",
> > > -   "description": "A near drop-in replacement for rm that uses the
> > > trash bin",
> > > --  "version": "18",
> > > -+  "version": "18.0.0",
> > > -+  "shortVersion": "18",
> > > -   "versionName": "M. Bison",
> > > -   "license": "MIT",
> > > -   "name": "trash-d",
> > > blob - 9f9ba81c0c645bdde92ad6fb2c1fb8bd47323281
> > > file + /dev/null
> > > --- sysutils/trash-d/patches/patch-source_trash_ver_d
> > > +++ /dev/null
> > > @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
> > > -Index: source/trash/ver.d
> > > ---- source/trash/ver.d.orig
> > > -+++ source/trash/ver.d
> > > -@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const string VER_TEXT = format("trash-d version %s
> > > '%s
> > > - const string COPY_TEXT = copy_text_from_json();
> > > -
> > > - private int version_from_json() {
> > > --  return DUB_JSON.parseJSON()["version"]!int;
> > > -+  return DUB_JSON.parseJSON()["shortVersion"]!int;
> > > - }
> > > -
> > > - private string version_name_from_json() {
> >

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