Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Re: sysctl nowave=1

On Sun, 15 Sep 2024 10:33:00 +0200 (GMT+02:00)
dan <dan@nnnne-o-o-o.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm still with ugen locked down to disable bluetooth and my wireless
> card is apparently unsupported. Indeed I live with securelevel=2.
> Time to time I find myself to be in the situation where I boot
> network disconnected, and on demand, when I need to upload to my
> server, I connect my cable to the net, you know.
> Strangly enough after a first physical connection my Caja interface
> continue to freeze on my working folders also after returned
> disconnected.
> I suspect that it is possible after a first connection reinizialize
> ugen or access my wireless card. But here you can narrate me more
> fantastic scenarios.
> I'm here asking the possibility to have a flag 'nowave' to inhibit
> any wireless connection from  sysctl just like what already exists
> for mic and camera. This also cause the pretty nice evidence that
> there are no today device wireless free.
> Thanks and good day everyone.
> -Dan

I really love this idea. I can second this saying as a fellow user,
this would be a killer feature.

I have thought this to myself in passing, esp considering the
battery improvement this could provide. This could be useful to
"hypermobile(tm)" types like myself. I have a few laptops that
unfortunately lack great features such as hardware wifi toggles, so
having some sort of "rfkill"-like sysctl of this caliber for those
machines would be really cool.

Also- for the record, OpenBSD completely lacks a bluetooth stack. I
figured you would have known this, but just a reminder.


-iz (they/them)

> i like to say mundane things,
> there are too many uninteresting things
> that go unnoticed.

izder456 (dot) neocities (dot) org

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