Monday, July 31, 2017

Re: net/glib2-networking: Remove systemd service

> Never meant to be personal against anyone or to play down anything you
> guys are pulling here, don't get me wrong.
> Sorry for the noise, I guess; keep up the good work!

I didn't take it personally.
What I mean is that there are already *sooooooooo* many things to do which
actually matter, that doing what you proposed really is not worth the time it'd
take. And I like consistency meaning that if I do that in one port, I need to
do it in all and regularly check that they don't get back in. And the actual
benefit of getting rid of these files is actually next to null. It's not because
there are under a systemd directory that they are any worse than others.
We do install uneeded files in ports, but as long as they don't take real space
and have no impact whatsoever, it's a local change that requires work and
maintenance for no benefit.


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