Thursday, March 31, 2022

increasing max value of rdomain/rtable


I want to increase the number of rdomain/rtable from 255 to 1024. I will do this at my own risk. I had a look at the kernel code but couldn't figure out how to upgrade it. I would be very grateful if you could guide me on this. Thanks in advance.


Re: How to rebuild the ports tree?


> 1. apr. 2022 kl. 02:37 skrev Stuart Henderson <>:
> Hopefully that will help, if not please copy the text from a terminal
> rather than send a screenshot, it may be helpful to scroll up a bit
> to show preceding lines too.

Running things like builds and other things where you might want to look at messages that scrolled off the top of the screen in a script(1) session is also a good idea (if you remember to delete the transcripts afterwards).

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
delilah spamd[29949]: disconnected after 42673 seconds.

Re: UPDATE: Blender - enabling build on more archs

On 4/1/2022 1:08 AM, Yifei Zhan wrote:
> On 22/03/26 09:53PM, Brad Smith wrote:
>> The following diff for Blender allows building Blender on aarch64. It's the
>> same issue I saw on riscv64. The CMake bits try to enable the SSE / AVX SIMD
>> bits everywhere.
> Lightly tested on aarch64/RPi4, slow but functional. sysinfo dump attached.


Re: UPDATE: Blender - enabling build on more archs

= Blender 3.0.1 System Information =


version: 3.0.1, branch: Unknown, commit date: Unknown Unknown, hash: Unknown, type: Unknown
build date: Unknown, Unknown
platform: 'OpenBSD-7.1-arm64-aarch64-64bit-ELF'
binary path: '/usr/local/bin/blender-bin'
build cflags: Unknown
build cxxflags: Unknown
build linkflags: Unknown
build system: Unknown


version: 3.9.10 (main, Mar 21 2022, 10:27:38) [Clang 13.0.0 ]
file system encoding: utf-8:surrogateescape

Python (External Binary):

binary path: '/usr/local/bin/python3.9'
version: Python 3.9.10


user scripts: '/home/user/.config/blender/3.0/scripts'
pref scripts: None
datafiles: '/home/user/.config/blender/3.0/datafiles'
config: '/home/user/.config/blender/3.0/config'
scripts : '/home/user/.config/blender/3.0/scripts'
autosave: '/home/user/.config/blender/3.0/autosave'
tempdir: '/tmp/blender_8PiRNR/'


avcodec: '58, 134, 100'
avdevice: '58, 13, 100'
avformat: '58, 76, 100'
avutil: '56, 70, 100'
swscale: ' 5, 9, 100'


Version: 2.0.20
Loading method: linked (WITH_SDL_DYNLOAD=OFF)

Other Libraries:

OpenColorIO: 2, 1, 1
OpenImageIO: 2, 2, 20
OpenShadingLanguage: Blender was built without OpenShadingLanguage support in Cycles
OpenSubdiv: 0, 0, 0
OpenVDB: 9, 0, 0
Alembic: 1, 8, 3
USD: Blender was built without USD support


renderer: 'llvmpipe (LLVM 13.0.0, 128 bits)'
vendor: 'Mesa/'
version: '4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 21.3.7'

Implementation Dependent GPU Limits:

Maximum Batch Vertices: 3000
Maximum Batch Indices: 3000

Maximum Varying Floats: 128
Maximum Vertex Attributes: 16
Maximum Vertex Uniform Components: 16384
Maximum Fragment Uniform Components: 16384
Maximum Vertex Image Units: 32
Maximum Fragment Image Units: 32
Maximum Pipeline Image Units: 192


CPU device capabilities:

Enabled add-ons:

io_anim_bvh (version: (1, 0, 0), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_anim_bvh/
io_curve_svg (version: UNKNOWN, path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_curve_svg/
io_mesh_ply (version: UNKNOWN, path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_mesh_ply/
io_mesh_stl (version: (1, 1, 3), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_mesh_stl/
io_mesh_uv_layout (version: (1, 1, 1), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_mesh_uv_layout/
io_scene_fbx (version: (4, 27, 0), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/
io_scene_gltf2 (version: (1, 7, 33), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_scene_gltf2/
io_scene_obj (version: (3, 8, 1), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_scene_obj/
io_scene_x3d (version: (2, 3, 0), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/io_scene_x3d/
cycles (version: UNKNOWN, path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/cycles/
pose_library (version: (2, 0), path: /usr/local/share/blender/scripts/addons/pose_library/
On 22/03/26 09:53PM, Brad Smith wrote:
> The following diff for Blender allows building Blender on aarch64. It's the
> same issue I saw on riscv64. The CMake bits try to enable the SSE / AVX SIMD
> bits everywhere.

Lightly tested on aarch64/RPi4, slow but functional. sysinfo dump attached.

Re: Trouble updating Xscreensaver to 6.03

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.109
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.109 Makefile
--- Makefile 11 Mar 2022 20:18:09 -0000 1.109
+++ Makefile 1 Apr 2022 01:24:57 -0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
COMMENT= screen saver and locker for the X Window System

-DISTNAME= xscreensaver-5.45
+DISTNAME= xscreensaver-6.03


@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ HOMEPAGE=

-WANTLIB += GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
-WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xmu Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0
-WANTLIB += c cairo fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
+WANTLIB = EGL GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
+WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0 c cairo
+WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
WANTLIB += gdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0 gio-2.0 gle glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0
WANTLIB += gobject-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 harfbuzz intl jpeg m pango-1.0
WANTLIB += pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pthread util xml2 z
@@ -39,9 +39,8 @@ USE_GMAKE= Yes

-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-hackdir="${PREFIX}/libexec/xscreensaver" \
- --with-x-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults" \
- --without-pam
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix=/usr/local --without-pam \
+ --with-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults"

Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.41 distinfo
--- distinfo 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.41
+++ distinfo 1 Apr 2022 01:24:57 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = cBbfZza6ASamjB81q89BGmlf6TvAGhjr2d9Gyan01Q0=
-SIZE (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = 27729147
+SHA256 (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = Mo1ReXNSrPWMpbq0nnb78mA058rXhfZR6hHOe0P7olo=
+SIZE (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = 25703584
Index: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
RCS file: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
diff -N patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
--- patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in 11 Mar 2022 20:18:09 -0000 1.17
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Don't hardcode gnome-terminal, fallback to xterm
-Index: driver/
---- driver/
-+++ driver/
-@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
- ! Gnome 2.4, 2.6: (yelp can't display man pages, as of 2.6.3)
- !
- @GNOME24@*loadURL: @WITH_BROWSER@ '%s'
--@GNOME24@*manualCommand: gnome-terminal --title '%s manual' \
--@GNOME24@ --command '/bin/sh -c "man %s; read foo"'
-+@GNOME24@*manualCommand: xterm -sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \
-+@GNOME24@ -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" ; read foo'
- !
- ! Gnome 2.2:
- !
Index: patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.5 patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
--- patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 11 Mar 2022 20:18:10 -0000 1.5
+++ patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 1 Apr 2022 01:24:57 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
--- driver/passwd-pwent.c.orig
+++ driver/passwd-pwent.c
-@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ user_name (void)
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ user_name (void)
still work. Right?) */
if (!u || !*u)
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
u = (p ? p->pw_name : 0);

-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd(const char *user)
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd (const char *user)

if (user && *user && !result)
{ /* Check non-shadow passwords too. */
- struct passwd *p = getpwnam(user);
+ struct passwd *p = getpwnam_shadow(user);
if (p && passwd_known_p (p->pw_passwd))
- result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
+ result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
Index: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
RCS file: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
diff -N patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
--- patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c 11 Mar 2022 20:18:10 -0000 1.3
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Index: hacks/glx/crumbler.c
---- hacks/glx/crumbler.c.orig
-+++ hacks/glx/crumbler.c
-@@ -676,6 +676,9 @@ init_crumbler (ModeInfo *mi)
- # undef R
- }
-+# ifdef __OpenBSD__
-+ density *= 0.5;
- # ifdef HAVE_MOBILE
- # ifdef HAVE_IPHONE
- density *= 0.5; /* iPhone 6s runs out of memory at 4500 nverts. */
Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.51 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST 11 Mar 2022 20:18:10 -0000 1.51
+++ pkg/PLIST 1 Apr 2022 01:24:58 -0000
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@
@bin bin/xscreensaver
@bin bin/xscreensaver-command
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-demo
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-getimage
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-gl-helper
+@bin bin/xscreensaver-settings
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/abstractile
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/anemone
@@ -29,6 +26,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/atunnel
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/barcode
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/beats
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryhorizon
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryring
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blaster
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blinkbox
@@ -149,10 +147,12 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lament
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lavalite
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lcdscrub
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lockward
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/loop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/m6502
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/mapscroller
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/marbling
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze3d
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/memscroller
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/queens
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/raverhoop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/razzledazzle
-@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rd-bomb
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rdbomb
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/ripples
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rocks
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/romanboy
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/spotlight
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/sproingies
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squiral
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squirtorus
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/stairs
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starfish
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starwars
@@ -257,15 +258,18 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xlyap
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xmatrix
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xrayswarm
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-auth
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-getimage
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gfx
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gl-visual
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xspirograph
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/zoom
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-command.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-demo.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-file.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-video.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-systemd.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-text.1
+@man man/man1/xscreensaver-settings.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver.1
@man man/man6/abstractile.6
@man man/man6/anemone.6
@@ -280,6 +284,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/atunnel.6
@man man/man6/barcode.6
@man man/man6/beats.6
+@man man/man6/binaryhorizon.6
@man man/man6/binaryring.6
@man man/man6/blaster.6
@man man/man6/blinkbox.6
@@ -398,9 +403,10 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/lament.6
@man man/man6/lavalite.6
@man man/man6/lcdscrub.6
-@man man/man6/ljlatest.6
@man man/man6/lockward.6
@man man/man6/loop.6
+@man man/man6/mapscroller.6
+@man man/man6/marbling.6
@man man/man6/maze.6
@man man/man6/maze3d.6
@man man/man6/memscroller.6
@@ -442,7 +448,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/queens.6
@man man/man6/raverhoop.6
@man man/man6/razzledazzle.6
-@man man/man6/rd-bomb.6
+@man man/man6/rdbomb.6
@man man/man6/ripples.6
@man man/man6/rocks.6
@man man/man6/romanboy.6
@@ -467,6 +473,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/spotlight.6
@man man/man6/sproingies.6
@man man/man6/squiral.6
+@man man/man6/squirtorus.6
@man man/man6/stairs.6
@man man/man6/starfish.6
@man man/man6/starwars.6
@@ -503,9 +510,16 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/xlyap.6
@man man/man6/xmatrix.6
@man man/man6/xrayswarm.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-auth.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-circuit.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-deco.6
-@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-helper.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-file.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-video.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gfx.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-visual.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-systemd.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-text.6
@man man/man6/xspirograph.6
@man man/man6/zoom.6
@@ -523,6 +537,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/attracti
@@ -661,6 +676,8 @@ share/applications/screensavers/lmorph.d
@@ -704,7 +721,6 @@ share/applications/screensavers/quasicry
@@ -733,6 +749,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/splodesi
@@ -777,28 +794,13 @@ share/applications/screensavers/xrayswar
+@fontdir share/fonts/xscreensaver/
@@ -817,6 +819,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/attraction.xml
@@ -940,6 +943,8 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/lcdscrub.xml
@@ -982,7 +987,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/quasicrystal.x
@@ -1007,6 +1012,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/splodesic.xml
@@ -1052,5 +1058,5 @@ share/xscreensaver/ui/screensaver-diagno
@tag update-desktop-database
On Thu Mar 31, 2022 at 8:14 PM EDT, Ariel Popper wrote:
> On Thu Mar 31, 2022 at 6:21 PM EDT, Ariel Popper wrote:
> > Hello ports,
> >
> > I am attempting to get Xscreensaver updated to 6.03, but as I am wholly
> > inexperienced with this entire process, I have run into a snag.
> >
> > I am building on amd64, everything seems to build smoothly and install
> > smoothly, screen blanking/unblanking, locking/unlocking is working as
> > advertised. When trying to run any of the screensavers, the screen shows
> > a message to not run Xscreensaver as root. As far as I know; I am not
> > doing that.
> >
> > in my users ~/.xsession:
> > /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver --no-splash &
> >
> > $ ls -l /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver
> > -rwsr-xr-x 1 root bin 47216 Mar 4 21:29 /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver
> >
> > $ id
> > uid=1000(ariel) gid=1000(ariel) groups=1000(ariel), 0(wheel),
> > 5(operator), 9(wsrc), 20(staff), 21(wobj)
> >
> > Attached you should find the ports diff and a log from xscreensaver in verbose
> > mode. Should you require any more info that I could not think of, please
> > ask.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Ariel
> I realize that I attached an older patch in my previous email. My
> apologies. Here is a more up to date version.
> --
> Ariel

OK, last time I promise. I think i finally figured out what I was doing
wrong. This should be a patch that works on an up to date ports tree.


Re: How to rebuild the ports tree?

On 2022-03-31, Eric Thomas <> wrote:
> --000000000000c9bb7b05db88e7ee
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I'm stuck. I need to install the UniFi 6.2.26 port, I used the [FAQ to
> setup the ports tree](
> This seemed to work just fine. However, the last few messages in the
> `make install` output showed errors. To debug the issue, I decided to
> completely uninstall the UniFi port then pipe the `make install`
> output to a log.txt.

As you mentioned 6.2 and this shows 5.6 you'll want to cd into the
relevant subdirectory of /usr/ports/net/unifi.

Compiling mongodb and java aren't very much fun and may need raised
memory limits, you probably want to install those from packages instead
("make FETCH_PACKAGES= install" should do that - the unifi port would
have displayed a hint about this when you ran "make").

> To uninstall:
> - TRIED: `make uninstall`
> - ERROR: `make: don't know how to make uninstall`

This would be "make deinstall", but it isn't installed yet, what you
showed is where it was trying to compile/install the dependencies.

> Content-Type: image/png; name="image.png"

Hopefully that will help, if not please copy the text from a terminal
rather than send a screenshot, it may be helpful to scroll up a bit
to show preceding lines too.

Re: Trouble updating Xscreensaver to 6.03

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.108 Makefile
--- Makefile 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.108
+++ Makefile 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.108 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
COMMENT= screen saver and locker for the X Window System

-DISTNAME= xscreensaver-5.45
+DISTNAME= xscreensaver-6.03


@@ -11,9 +9,9 @@ HOMEPAGE=

-WANTLIB += GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
-WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xmu Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0
-WANTLIB += c cairo fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
+WANTLIB = EGL GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
+WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0 c cairo
+WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
WANTLIB += gdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0 gio-2.0 gle glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0
WANTLIB += gobject-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 harfbuzz intl jpeg m pango-1.0
WANTLIB += pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pthread util xml2 z
@@ -41,9 +39,8 @@ USE_GMAKE= Yes

-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-hackdir="${PREFIX}/libexec/xscreensaver" \
- --with-x-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults" \
- --without-pam
+CONFIGURE_ARGS= --prefix=/usr/local --without-pam \
+ --with-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults"

Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.41 distinfo
--- distinfo 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.41
+++ distinfo 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = cBbfZza6ASamjB81q89BGmlf6TvAGhjr2d9Gyan01Q0=
-SIZE (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = 27729147
+SHA256 (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = Mo1ReXNSrPWMpbq0nnb78mA058rXhfZR6hHOe0P7olo=
+SIZE (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = 25703584
Index: files/
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/files/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.2
--- files/ 10 Jul 2014 07:40:36 -0000 1.2
+++ files/ 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# $OpenBSD:,v 1.2 2014/07/10 07:40:36 ajacoutot Exp $
# script originally from gnome-screensavers sources

DIST_BIN=`dirname "$0"`
Index: files/xscreensaver-config.xsl
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/files/xscreensaver-config.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.1 xscreensaver-config.xsl
--- files/xscreensaver-config.xsl 29 Nov 2008 11:29:07 -0000 1.1
+++ files/xscreensaver-config.xsl 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!-- $OpenBSD: xscreensaver-config.xsl,v 1.1 2008/11/29 11:29:07 ajacoutot Exp $ -->
<!-- file originally from gnome-screensavers sources -->
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
Index: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
RCS file: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
diff -N patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
--- patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in 3 Jul 2019 16:15:28 -0000 1.16
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in,v 1.16 2019/07/03 16:15:28 sthen Exp $
-Don't hardcode gnome-terminal, fallback to xterm
-Index: driver/
---- driver/
-+++ driver/
-@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
- ! Gnome 2.4, 2.6: (yelp can't display man pages, as of 2.6.3)
- !
- @GNOME24@*loadURL: @WITH_BROWSER@ '%s'
--@GNOME24@*manualCommand: gnome-terminal --title '%s manual' \
--@GNOME24@ --command '/bin/sh -c "man %s; read foo"'
-+@GNOME24@*manualCommand: xterm -sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \
-+@GNOME24@ -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" ; read foo'
- !
- ! Gnome 2.2:
- !
Index: patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.4 patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
--- patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 13 Aug 2018 18:53:50 -0000 1.4
+++ patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c,v 1.4 2018/08/13 18:53:50 sthen Exp $
Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
--- driver/passwd-pwent.c.orig
+++ driver/passwd-pwent.c
-@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ user_name (void)
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ user_name (void)
still work. Right?) */
if (!u || !*u)
@@ -12,12 +10,12 @@ Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
u = (p ? p->pw_name : 0);

-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd(const char *user)
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd (const char *user)

if (user && *user && !result)
{ /* Check non-shadow passwords too. */
- struct passwd *p = getpwnam(user);
+ struct passwd *p = getpwnam_shadow(user);
if (p && passwd_known_p (p->pw_passwd))
- result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
+ result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
Index: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
RCS file: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
diff -N patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
--- patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c,v 1.2 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
-Index: hacks/glx/crumbler.c
---- hacks/glx/crumbler.c.orig
-+++ hacks/glx/crumbler.c
-@@ -676,6 +676,9 @@ init_crumbler (ModeInfo *mi)
- # undef R
- }
-+# ifdef __OpenBSD__
-+ density *= 0.5;
- # ifdef HAVE_MOBILE
- # ifdef HAVE_IPHONE
- density *= 0.5; /* iPhone 6s runs out of memory at 4500 nverts. */
Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -p -u -p -r1.50 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.50
+++ pkg/PLIST 31 Mar 2022 23:56:16 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.50 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
@conflict xscreensaver-data-*
@conflict xscreensaver-gle-*
@conflict xscreensaver-<5.07p3-no_gle
@@ -10,12 +9,9 @@
@bin bin/xscreensaver
@bin bin/xscreensaver-command
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-demo
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-getimage
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-gl-helper
+@bin bin/xscreensaver-settings
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/abstractile
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/anemone
@@ -30,6 +26,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/atunnel
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/barcode
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/beats
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryhorizon
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryring
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blaster
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blinkbox
@@ -150,10 +147,12 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lament
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lavalite
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lcdscrub
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lockward
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/loop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/m6502
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/mapscroller
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/marbling
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze3d
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/memscroller
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/queens
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/raverhoop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/razzledazzle
-@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rd-bomb
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rdbomb
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/ripples
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rocks
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/romanboy
@@ -221,6 +220,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/spotlight
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/sproingies
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squiral
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squirtorus
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/stairs
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starfish
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starwars
@@ -258,15 +258,18 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xlyap
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xmatrix
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xrayswarm
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-auth
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-getimage
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gfx
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gl-visual
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xspirograph
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/zoom
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-command.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-demo.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-file.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-video.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-systemd.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-text.1
+@man man/man1/xscreensaver-settings.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver.1
@man man/man6/abstractile.6
@man man/man6/anemone.6
@@ -281,6 +284,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/atunnel.6
@man man/man6/barcode.6
@man man/man6/beats.6
+@man man/man6/binaryhorizon.6
@man man/man6/binaryring.6
@man man/man6/blaster.6
@man man/man6/blinkbox.6
@@ -399,9 +403,10 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/lament.6
@man man/man6/lavalite.6
@man man/man6/lcdscrub.6
-@man man/man6/ljlatest.6
@man man/man6/lockward.6
@man man/man6/loop.6
+@man man/man6/mapscroller.6
+@man man/man6/marbling.6
@man man/man6/maze.6
@man man/man6/maze3d.6
@man man/man6/memscroller.6
@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/queens.6
@man man/man6/raverhoop.6
@man man/man6/razzledazzle.6
-@man man/man6/rd-bomb.6
+@man man/man6/rdbomb.6
@man man/man6/ripples.6
@man man/man6/rocks.6
@man man/man6/romanboy.6
@@ -468,6 +473,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/spotlight.6
@man man/man6/sproingies.6
@man man/man6/squiral.6
+@man man/man6/squirtorus.6
@man man/man6/stairs.6
@man man/man6/starfish.6
@man man/man6/starwars.6
@@ -504,9 +510,16 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/xlyap.6
@man man/man6/xmatrix.6
@man man/man6/xrayswarm.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-auth.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-circuit.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-deco.6
-@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-helper.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-file.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-video.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gfx.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-visual.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-systemd.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-text.6
@man man/man6/xspirograph.6
@man man/man6/zoom.6
@@ -524,6 +537,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/attracti
@@ -662,6 +676,8 @@ share/applications/screensavers/lmorph.d
@@ -705,7 +721,6 @@ share/applications/screensavers/quasicry
@@ -734,6 +749,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/splodesi
@@ -778,28 +794,13 @@ share/applications/screensavers/xrayswar
+@fontdir share/fonts/xscreensaver/
@@ -818,6 +819,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/attraction.xml
@@ -941,6 +943,8 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/lcdscrub.xml
@@ -983,7 +987,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/quasicrystal.x
@@ -1008,6 +1012,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/splodesic.xml
@@ -1053,5 +1058,5 @@ share/xscreensaver/ui/screensaver-diagno
@tag update-desktop-database
On Thu Mar 31, 2022 at 6:21 PM EDT, Ariel Popper wrote:
> Hello ports,
> I am attempting to get Xscreensaver updated to 6.03, but as I am wholly
> inexperienced with this entire process, I have run into a snag.
> I am building on amd64, everything seems to build smoothly and install
> smoothly, screen blanking/unblanking, locking/unlocking is working as
> advertised. When trying to run any of the screensavers, the screen shows
> a message to not run Xscreensaver as root. As far as I know; I am not
> doing that.
> in my users ~/.xsession:
> /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver --no-splash &
> $ ls -l /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver
> -rwsr-xr-x 1 root bin 47216 Mar 4 21:29 /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver
> $ id
> uid=1000(ariel) gid=1000(ariel) groups=1000(ariel), 0(wheel),
> 5(operator), 9(wsrc), 20(staff), 21(wobj)
> Attached you should find the ports diff and a log from xscreensaver in verbose
> mode. Should you require any more info that I could not think of, please
> ask.
> Thank you,
> Ariel

I realize that I attached an older patch in my previous email. My
apologies. Here is a more up to date version.


Re: Dell G3 3590 audio and touchpad

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 10:54:17AM -0400, Adriano Barbosa wrote:
> Hi misc
> I'm trying to make audio and touchpad work on a Dell laptop.
> I've never played with this kind of stuff and I don't even know how to
> properly start.
> I have no hope on making NVIDIA hardware to work, but I believe
> Realtek ALC295 audio could work as, from what I got, it is supported
> by OpenBSD.
> >From FreeBSD (where audio and touchpad work) I get the following information:
> hdacc0: <NVIDIA (0x0099) HDA CODEC> at cad 0 on hdac0
> hdaa0: <NVIDIA (0x0099) Audio Function Group> at nid 1 on hdacc0
> pcm0: <NVIDIA (0x0099) (HDMI/DP 8ch)> at nid 7 on hdaa0
> hdacc1: <Realtek ALC295 HDA CODEC> at cad 0 on hdac1
> hdaa1: <Realtek ALC295 Audio Function Group> at nid 1 on hdacc1
> pcm1: <Realtek ALC295 (Internal Analog Speaker)> at nid 20 on hdaa1
> pcm2: <Realtek ALC295 (Right Analog Headphones)> at nid 33 on hdaa1
> hdacc2: <Intel Kaby Lake HDA CODEC> at cad 2 on hdac1
> hdaa2: <Intel Kaby Lake Audio Function Group> at nid 1 on hdacc2
> pcm3: <Intel Kaby Lake (HDMI/DP 8ch)> at nid 3 on hdaa2
> hms0: <DELL0949:00 04F3:30CB Mouse> on hidbus0
> hms0: 2 buttons and [XY] coordinates ID=1
> hmt0: <DELL0949:00 04F3:30CB TouchPad> on hidbus0
> hconf0: <DELL0949:00 04F3:30CB Configuration> on hidbus0
> hmt0: Multitouch touchpad with 0 external buttons, click-pad
> hmt0: 5 contacts with [C] properties. Report range [0:0] - [3211:2431]
> On OpenBSD (where audio and touchpad don't work) I can identify the
> following relevant information on dmesg:
> "Intel 300 Series cAVS" rev 0x10 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 not configured

does not match as it uses pci subclass audio instead of hd audio
should work with this

Index: sys/dev/pci/azalia.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/dev/pci/azalia.c,v
retrieving revision 1.271
diff -u -p -r1.271 azalia.c
--- sys/dev/pci/azalia.c 21 Mar 2022 19:22:41 -0000 1.271
+++ sys/dev/pci/azalia.c 31 Mar 2022 23:31:08 -0000
@@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ azalia_configure_pci(azalia_t *az)

const struct pci_matchid azalia_pci_devices[] = {

Trouble updating Xscreensaver to 6.03

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -u -p -u -r1.108 Makefile
--- Makefile 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.108
+++ Makefile 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.108 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
COMMENT= screen saver and locker for the X Window System

-DISTNAME= xscreensaver-5.45
+DISTNAME= xscreensaver-6.03


@@ -11,9 +9,9 @@ HOMEPAGE=

-WANTLIB += GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
-WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xmu Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0
-WANTLIB += c cairo fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
+WANTLIB = EGL GL GLU ICE SM X11 Xcomposite Xcursor Xdamage Xext Xfixes
+WANTLIB += Xft Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender Xt Xxf86vm atk-1.0 c cairo
+WANTLIB += fontconfig freetype gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0
WANTLIB += gdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0 gio-2.0 gle glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0
WANTLIB += gobject-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 harfbuzz intl jpeg m pango-1.0
WANTLIB += pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 pthread util xml2 z
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ NO_TEST= Yes

CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-hackdir="${PREFIX}/libexec/xscreensaver" \
- --with-x-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults" \
+ --with-app-defaults="${PREFIX}/lib/X11/app-defaults" \
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -p -u -r1.41 distinfo
--- distinfo 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.41
+++ distinfo 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = cBbfZza6ASamjB81q89BGmlf6TvAGhjr2d9Gyan01Q0=
-SIZE (xscreensaver-5.45.tar.gz) = 27729147
+SHA256 (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = Mo1ReXNSrPWMpbq0nnb78mA058rXhfZR6hHOe0P7olo=
+SIZE (xscreensaver-6.03.tar.gz) = 25703584
Index: files/
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/files/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -u -r1.2
--- files/ 10 Jul 2014 07:40:36 -0000 1.2
+++ files/ 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# $OpenBSD:,v 1.2 2014/07/10 07:40:36 ajacoutot Exp $
# script originally from gnome-screensavers sources

DIST_BIN=`dirname "$0"`
Index: files/xscreensaver-config.xsl
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/files/xscreensaver-config.xsl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -u -r1.1 xscreensaver-config.xsl
--- files/xscreensaver-config.xsl 29 Nov 2008 11:29:07 -0000 1.1
+++ files/xscreensaver-config.xsl 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!-- $OpenBSD: xscreensaver-config.xsl,v 1.1 2008/11/29 11:29:07 ajacoutot Exp $ -->
<!-- file originally from gnome-screensavers sources -->
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
Index: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
RCS file: patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
diff -N patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in
--- patches/patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in 3 Jul 2019 16:15:28 -0000 1.16
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-driver_XScreenSaver_ad_in,v 1.16 2019/07/03 16:15:28 sthen Exp $
-Don't hardcode gnome-terminal, fallback to xterm
-Index: driver/
---- driver/
-+++ driver/
-@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
- ! Gnome 2.4, 2.6: (yelp can't display man pages, as of 2.6.3)
- !
- @GNOME24@*loadURL: @WITH_BROWSER@ '%s'
--@GNOME24@*manualCommand: gnome-terminal --title '%s manual' \
--@GNOME24@ --command '/bin/sh -c "man %s; read foo"'
-+@GNOME24@*manualCommand: xterm -sb -fg black -bg gray75 -T '%s manual' \
-+@GNOME24@ -e /bin/sh -c 'man "%s" ; read foo'
- !
- ! Gnome 2.2:
- !
Index: patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -u -r1.4 patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c
--- patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 13 Aug 2018 18:53:50 -0000 1.4
+++ patches/patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-driver_passwd-pwent_c,v 1.4 2018/08/13 18:53:50 sthen Exp $
Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
--- driver/passwd-pwent.c.orig
+++ driver/passwd-pwent.c
-@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ user_name (void)
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ user_name (void)
still work. Right?) */
if (!u || !*u)
@@ -12,12 +10,12 @@ Index: driver/passwd-pwent.c
u = (p ? p->pw_name : 0);

-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd(const char *user)
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ get_encrypted_passwd (const char *user)

if (user && *user && !result)
{ /* Check non-shadow passwords too. */
- struct passwd *p = getpwnam(user);
+ struct passwd *p = getpwnam_shadow(user);
if (p && passwd_known_p (p->pw_passwd))
- result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
+ result = strdup(p->pw_passwd);
Index: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
RCS file: patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
diff -N patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c
--- patches/patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.2
+++ /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$OpenBSD: patch-hacks_glx_crumbler_c,v 1.2 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
-Index: hacks/glx/crumbler.c
---- hacks/glx/crumbler.c.orig
-+++ hacks/glx/crumbler.c
-@@ -676,6 +676,9 @@ init_crumbler (ModeInfo *mi)
- # undef R
- }
-+# ifdef __OpenBSD__
-+ density *= 0.5;
- # ifdef HAVE_MOBILE
- # ifdef HAVE_IPHONE
- density *= 0.5; /* iPhone 6s runs out of memory at 4500 nverts. */
Index: pkg/PLIST
RCS file: /cvs/ports/x11/xscreensaver/pkg/PLIST,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -p -u -r1.50 PLIST
--- pkg/PLIST 10 Jan 2021 21:32:12 -0000 1.50
+++ pkg/PLIST 8 Mar 2022 19:35:36 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.50 2021/01/10 21:32:12 sthen Exp $
@conflict xscreensaver-data-*
@conflict xscreensaver-gle-*
@conflict xscreensaver-<5.07p3-no_gle
@@ -10,12 +9,9 @@
@bin bin/xscreensaver
@bin bin/xscreensaver-command
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-demo
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-getimage
-@bin bin/xscreensaver-gl-helper
+@bin bin/xscreensaver-settings
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/abstractile
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/anemone
@@ -30,6 +26,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/atunnel
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/barcode
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/beats
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryhorizon
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/binaryring
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blaster
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/blinkbox
@@ -150,10 +147,12 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lament
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lavalite
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lcdscrub
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/lockward
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/loop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/m6502
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/mapscroller
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/marbling
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/maze3d
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/memscroller
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/queens
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/raverhoop
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/razzledazzle
-@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rd-bomb
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rdbomb
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/ripples
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/rocks
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/romanboy
@@ -221,6 +220,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/ljlatest
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/spotlight
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/sproingies
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squiral
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/squirtorus
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/stairs
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starfish
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/starwars
@@ -258,15 +258,18 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xlyap
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xmatrix
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xrayswarm
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-auth
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-getimage
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gfx
+@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xscreensaver-gl-visual
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/xspirograph
@bin libexec/xscreensaver/zoom
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-command.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver-demo.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-file.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage-video.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-getimage.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-systemd.1
-@man man/man1/xscreensaver-text.1
+@man man/man1/xscreensaver-settings.1
@man man/man1/xscreensaver.1
@man man/man6/abstractile.6
@man man/man6/anemone.6
@@ -281,6 +284,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/atunnel.6
@man man/man6/barcode.6
@man man/man6/beats.6
+@man man/man6/binaryhorizon.6
@man man/man6/binaryring.6
@man man/man6/blaster.6
@man man/man6/blinkbox.6
@@ -399,9 +403,10 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/lament.6
@man man/man6/lavalite.6
@man man/man6/lcdscrub.6
-@man man/man6/ljlatest.6
@man man/man6/lockward.6
@man man/man6/loop.6
+@man man/man6/mapscroller.6
+@man man/man6/marbling.6
@man man/man6/maze.6
@man man/man6/maze3d.6
@man man/man6/memscroller.6
@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/queens.6
@man man/man6/raverhoop.6
@man man/man6/razzledazzle.6
-@man man/man6/rd-bomb.6
+@man man/man6/rdbomb.6
@man man/man6/ripples.6
@man man/man6/rocks.6
@man man/man6/romanboy.6
@@ -468,6 +473,7 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/spotlight.6
@man man/man6/sproingies.6
@man man/man6/squiral.6
+@man man/man6/squirtorus.6
@man man/man6/stairs.6
@man man/man6/starfish.6
@man man/man6/starwars.6
@@ -504,9 +510,16 @@ libexec/xscreensaver/webcollage
@man man/man6/xlyap.6
@man man/man6/xmatrix.6
@man man/man6/xrayswarm.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-auth.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-circuit.6
@man man/man6/xscreensaver-deco.6
-@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-helper.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-file.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage-video.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-getimage.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gfx.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-gl-visual.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-systemd.6
+@man man/man6/xscreensaver-text.6
@man man/man6/xspirograph.6
@man man/man6/zoom.6
@@ -524,6 +537,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/attracti
@@ -662,6 +676,8 @@ share/applications/screensavers/lmorph.d
@@ -705,7 +721,6 @@ share/applications/screensavers/quasicry
@@ -734,6 +749,7 @@ share/applications/screensavers/splodesi
@@ -778,28 +794,13 @@ share/applications/screensavers/xrayswar
+@fontdir share/fonts/xscreensaver/
@@ -818,6 +819,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/attraction.xml
@@ -941,6 +943,8 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/lcdscrub.xml
@@ -983,7 +987,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/quasicrystal.x
@@ -1008,6 +1012,7 @@ share/xscreensaver/config/splodesic.xml
@@ -1053,5 +1058,5 @@ share/xscreensaver/ui/screensaver-diagno
@tag update-desktop-database

xscreensaver: 15:36:28: logging to "log.txt"

XScreenSaver 6.03, released Feb 2022
Copyright © 1991-2022 by Jamie Zawinski <>

xscreensaver: 15:36:28: running in process 97652
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: setuid 0:1000 -> 1000:1000
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: XInput version 2.2
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 2/3: MP: Virtual core pointer
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 3/2: MK: Virtual core keyboard
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 4/2: SP: Virtual core XTEST pointer
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 5/3: SK: Virtual core XTEST keyboard
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 6/3: SK: /dev/wskbd
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 7/2: SP: /dev/wsmouse0
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: device 8/2: SP: /dev/wsmouse
xscreensaver: 15:36:28: pid 99350: launched xscreensaver-auth --splash --verbose
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: initial effective uid/gid was root/ariel (0/1000)
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: changed uid/gid to ariel/ariel (1000/1000)
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: running as user "ariel"
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: mouse is at 1302,1003 on monitor 0 1920x1080+0+0 "eDP-1"
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: theme: default
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: kbd layout: English (US)
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:28: re-creating window: size changed
xscreensaver-auth: 15:36:33: splash timed out
xscreensaver: 15:36:33: pid 99350: xscreensaver-auth exited normally
xscreensaver: 15:36:40: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 15:36:46: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: ClientMessage ACTIVATE: blanking
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: checking init file
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: blanking
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: grabbing keyboard on 0x67b: GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: grabbing mouse on 0x67b... GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 15:36:55: pid 72728: launched xscreensaver-gfx --init --verbose
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: running on display ":0"
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: vendor is The X.Org Foundation, 12101003
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: useful extensions:
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Shared Memory (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Double-Buffering (1.0)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Power Management (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: GLX
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: XF86 Video-Mode (2.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Xinerama (1.1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Resize-and-Rotate (1.6)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: Composite
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: XKeyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: XInput (2.4)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: libsystemd/libelogind (disabled at compile time)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: selecting RANDR events
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: RANDR and Xinerama report different screen layouts
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: screens in use: 1
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (eDP-1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: rejected screens: 4
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 1/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (DP-1) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 2/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (HDMI-1) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 3/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (DP-2) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 4/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (HDMI-2) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: blanking
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: forked "xscreensaver-gl-visual" in pid 52216
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: xscreensaver-gl-visual: GL visual is 0x21 (default)
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: running as root: not launching hacks.
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: cycling in 60 sec
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: next cycle in 600 sec at 15:46:55
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:55: 0: child pid 52216 (xscreensaver-gl-visual) exited abnormally with status 0
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: X11 KeyPress
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: unblanking
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: pid 72728: killing xscreensaver-gfx
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:59: SIGTERM: unblanking
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: ungrabbing mouse
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: ungrabbing keyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 15:36:59: SIGTERM: exiting
xscreensaver: 15:36:59: pid 72728: xscreensaver-gfx exited with SIGTERM
xscreensaver: 15:37:02: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 15:37:06: XI RawKeyRelease
xscreensaver: 15:37:18: ClientMessage EXIT: exiting

xscreensaver: 17:29:36: logging to "log.txt"

XScreenSaver 6.03, released Feb 2022
Copyright © 1991-2022 by Jamie Zawinski <>

xscreensaver: 17:29:36: running in process 21856
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: setuid 0:1000 -> 1000:1000
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: XInput version 2.2
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 2/3: MP: Virtual core pointer
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 3/2: MK: Virtual core keyboard
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 4/2: SP: Virtual core XTEST pointer
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 5/3: SK: Virtual core XTEST keyboard
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 6/3: SK: /dev/wskbd
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 7/2: SP: /dev/wsmouse0
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: device 8/2: SP: /dev/wsmouse
xscreensaver: 17:29:36: pid 15255: launched xscreensaver-auth --splash --verbose
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:36: initial effective uid/gid was root/ariel (0/1000)
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:36: changed uid/gid to ariel/ariel (1000/1000)
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:36: running as user "ariel"
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: mouse is at 1435,729 on monitor 0 1920x1080+0+0 "eDP-1"
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: theme: default
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: kbd layout: English (US)
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: re-creating window: size changed
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: X11 KeyPress
xscreensaver-auth: 17:29:37: splash canceled
xscreensaver: 17:29:37: pid 15255: xscreensaver-auth exited normally
xscreensaver: 17:29:39: XI RawKeyRelease
xscreensaver: 17:29:44: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 17:29:47: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: ClientMessage ACTIVATE: blanking
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: checking init file
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: blanking
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: grabbing keyboard on 0x67b: GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: grabbing mouse on 0x67b... GrabSuccess
xscreensaver: 17:30:02: pid 76741: launched xscreensaver-gfx --init --verbose
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: running on display ":0"
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: vendor is The X.Org Foundation, 12101003
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: useful extensions:
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Shared Memory (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Double-Buffering (1.0)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Power Management (1.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: GLX
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: XF86 Video-Mode (2.2)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Xinerama (1.1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Resize-and-Rotate (1.6)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: Composite
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: XKeyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: XInput (2.4)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: libsystemd/libelogind (disabled at compile time)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:02: selecting RANDR events
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: RANDR and Xinerama report different screen layouts
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: screens in use: 1
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (eDP-1)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: rejected screens: 4
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 1/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (DP-1) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 2/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (HDMI-1) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 3/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (DP-2) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 4/0: 1920x1080+0+0 (HDMI-2) -- output disabled
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: blanking
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: forked "xscreensaver-gl-visual" in pid 30849
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: xscreensaver-gl-visual: GL visual is 0x21 (default)
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: running as root: not launching hacks.
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: cycling in 60 sec
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: next cycle in 600 sec at 17:40:03
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:03: 0: child pid 30849 (xscreensaver-gl-visual) exited abnormally with status 0
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: X11 KeyPress
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: unblanking
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: pid 76741: killing xscreensaver-gfx
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: ungrabbing mouse
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: ungrabbing keyboard
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:05: SIGTERM: unblanking
xscreensaver-gfx: 17:30:05: SIGTERM: exiting
xscreensaver: 17:30:05: pid 76741: xscreensaver-gfx exited with SIGTERM
xscreensaver: 17:30:10: XI RawKeyPress
xscreensaver: 17:30:14: ClientMessage EXIT: exiting
Hello ports,

I am attempting to get Xscreensaver updated to 6.03, but as I am wholly
inexperienced with this entire process, I have run into a snag.

I am building on amd64, everything seems to build smoothly and install
smoothly, screen blanking/unblanking, locking/unlocking is working as
advertised. When trying to run any of the screensavers, the screen shows
a message to not run Xscreensaver as root. As far as I know; I am not
doing that.

in my users ~/.xsession:
/usr/local/bin/xscreensaver --no-splash &

$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root bin 47216 Mar 4 21:29 /usr/local/bin/xscreensaver

$ id
uid=1000(ariel) gid=1000(ariel) groups=1000(ariel), 0(wheel),
5(operator), 9(wsrc), 20(staff), 21(wobj)

Attached you should find the ports diff and a log from xscreensaver in verbose
mode. Should you require any more info that I could not think of, please

Thank you,


Re: Multiple wgpeers on single wg(4) interface with same wgaip list

On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 06:23:01PM -0000, Stuart Henderson said:
> "The interface will route outbound tunneled traffic to the
> peer configured with the most specific matching allowed IP
> address range, or drop it if no such match exists"
> It doesn't explicitly say what happens if you try to use duplicates
> in wgaip but it seems to follow that configuring them can't work given
> the above.

Yeah, reading it again that makes sense and once I started to think through
how OSPF would work it became really clear that I should have a single
wg(4) iface pair for each connection instead of trying to multiplex in
this case. Seems like multiplexing only makes sense to connect a remote
host not a remote network.



Matthew Ernisse

No more imports, prepare for 7.1

It's time to stop importing new ports.

Updates to existing ports are still fine, but consider the risk/benefit
ratio if something goes wrong, how long it might take to notice and
fix problems. Focus on fixing problems instead of updates for
updates' sake.

Nothing left to do, you feel bored already?

* There was that recent zlib vulnerability. How many ports ship
private copies of zlib? How many are vulnerable? How about

* A few months ago, folks were oohing and aahing over NSO's
zero-click iMessage exploit. Somewhere in Project Zero's deep
dive it said that the vulnerable JBIG2 code implementation came
from Xpdf. Does this mean that textproc/xpdf is vulnerable?

* aarch64: Now that sysctl(2) exports CPU_ID_AA64ISAR0, ports
that have hand-optimized crypto or multimedia code could make use
of this. That will require adding a smidgeon of code, though,
since the sysctl interface is different from the ELF auxv info
approach that FreeBSD and Linux take. Time for testing is running

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber

How to rebuild the ports tree?

I'm stuck. I need to install the UniFi 6.2.26 port, I used the [FAQ to
setup the ports tree](
This seemed to work just fine. However, the last few messages in the
`make install` output showed errors. To debug the issue, I decided to
completely uninstall the UniFi port then pipe the `make install`
output to a log.txt.

To uninstall:

- TRIED: `make uninstall`
- ERROR: `make: don't know how to make uninstall`

- `make clean`
- `pkg_delete -a`
- `make clean=dist`
- `make clean=packages`
- `make install`
- ERRORS: MANY (attached)

The question is, how to I just rebuild the ports tree and/or get it
back in a known good state?

Re: OpenBGPd: fatal in RDE: aspath_get: Cannot allocate memory

Le 29/03/2022 à 12:10, Claudio Jeker a écrit :
> I doubt it is the filters. You run into some sort of memory leak. Please
> monitor 'bgpctl show rib mem' output. Also check ps aux | grep bgpd output
> to see why and when the memory starts to go up.
> With that information it may be possible to figure out where this leak
> sits and how to fix it.
> Cheers

Hi Claudio,

Please find the output of 'bgpctl show rib mem' just 1 minute before the

cat 2022-03-30::15:07:01.mem
RDE memory statistics
909685 IPv4 unicast network entries using 34.7M of memory
272248 IPv6 unicast network entries using 14.5M of memory
2363169 rib entries using 144M of memory
14616410 prefix entries using 1.7G of memory
1539060 BGP path attribute entries using 106M of memory
and holding 14616410 references
635275 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 33.7M of memory
and holding 1539060 references
47399 entries for 681150 BGP communities using 15.1M of memory
and holding 14616410 references
22139 BGP attributes entries using 865K of memory
and holding 3436885 references
22138 BGP attributes using 175K of memory
270121 as-set elements in 249193 tables using 9.7M of memory
452138 prefix-set elements using 19.0M of memory
RIB using 2.1G of memory
Sets using 28.7M of memory

RDE hash statistics
path hash: size 131072, 1539060 entries
min 0 max 31 avg/std-dev = 11.742/3.623
aspath hash: size 131072, 635275 entries
min 0 max 16 avg/std-dev = 4.847/2.123
comm hash: size 16384, 47399 entries
min 0 max 12 avg/std-dev = 2.893/1.622
attr hash: size 16384, 22139 entries
min 0 max 8 avg/std-dev = 1.351/1.084

Here is the output of 'ps aux | grep bgp' one minute before the crash:

_bgpd 25479 100.1 40.1 33547416 33620192 ?? Rp/2 Tue09AM
1755:38.49 bgpd: route
_bgpd 8696 31.6 0.0 15800 13240 ?? Sp Tue09AM 626:35.66 bgpd:
_bgpd 46603 0.0 0.0 22728 25876 ?? Ip Tue09AM 1:29.11 bgpd:
rtr en
root 94644 0.0 0.0 196 916 ?? Rp/3 3:07PM 0:00.00 grep bgpd

During the crash, bgpctl show rib mem doesn't work.
Here is the ps aux | grep bgp output during the crash:

_bgpd 25479 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Zp - 0:00.00 (bgpd)
_bgpd 46603 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Zp - 0:00.00 (bgpd)
_bgpd 8696 0.0 0.0 0 0 ?? Zp - 0:00.00 (bgpd)
root 76428 0.0 0.0 180 772 ?? R/2 3:08PM 0:00.00 grep bgpd

Please note /var/log/messages output:

Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[17103]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[17103]: main: Lost connection to RDE
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[46603]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[46603]: RTR: Lost connection to RDE
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[46603]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[46603]: fatal in RTR: Lost connection to
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: SE: Lost connection to RDE
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: SE: Lost connection to RDE control
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: peer closed imsg connection
Mar 30 15:07:27 bgpgw-004 bgpd[8696]: SE: Lost connection to parent



Re: Multiple wgpeers on single wg(4) interface with same wgaip list

On 2022-03-31, Matthew Ernisse <> wrote:
> I am trying to setup several tunnels into a single wg(4) endpoint.
> The first tunnel worked fine however when I add the second one the wgaip
> statement moves to the last wgpeer configured. Is this expected behavior?

Yes, you can't use these completely overlapping networks in wgaip,
it's used as a pseudo-route-table to determine which peer to use when
sending packets.

"The interface will route outbound tunneled traffic to the
peer configured with the most specific matching allowed IP
address range, or drop it if no such match exists"

It doesn't explicitly say what happens if you try to use duplicates
in wgaip but it seems to follow that configuring them can't work given
the above.

On the machine with multiple connections, if a wg client is a single
host then you'd usually want the full /32 in wgaip, otherwise distinct
subnets for each. is useful on a client side if it's getting
internet access across the tunnel but not when there are multiple
peers on one wg interface.

aarch64 bulk build report

bulk build on
started on Tue Mar 29 05:29:22 MDT 2022
finished at Thu Mar 31 12:03:06 MDT 2022
lasted 2D06h33m
done with kern.version=OpenBSD 7.1 (GENERIC.MP) #1608: Tue Mar 29 00:05:55 MDT 2022

built packages:11161
Mar 29:3745
Mar 30:2243
Mar 31:5172

critical path missing pkgs:

build failures: 2

recurrent failures
new failures
+++ ls-failures Thu Mar 31 12:04:39 2022
resolved failures
--- ../old/aarch64/last//ls-failures Sat Mar 26 06:01:34 2022

Re: update lang/sbcl to 2.2.1

I'd really, really like to get an updated sbcl in 7.1, so I'll commit
the attached diff in a couple of days if I don't hear complaints.

I've updated to sbcl 2.2.3 (released some days ago) which includes the
diff for sb-capstone. Both flavors builds fine on amd64 and x11/stumpwm
builds too. I've tested with some stuff from quicklisp and works too.

I'm currently doing some builds on i386. I've got one failure but that
was because I had another (wip) version of sbcl installed during the
build; I'm now rebuilding both flavors there a couple of times to be
sure and try x11/stumpwm there too.

Thanks to everyone who tested the previous iterations of the diff! :)

Omar Polo <> wrote:
> friendly weekly ping
> (while here also dropped the last rcs id in patches)
> Omar Polo <> wrote:
> > Joshua Elsasser <> wrote:
> > > I will try to find some time to take a look at it this week. For what
> > > it's worth, 32-bit powerpc is usually a bit broken on non-openbsd
> > > platforms as well. I have a couple g4 mac minis that I can test on,
> > > assuming they haven't died.
> >
> > thanks for looking into this :)
> >
> > in the meantime sbcl 2.2.2 was released, please find attached an updated
> > diff. The capstone fix didn't make in time for 2.2.2 but should be
> > available in a next version.
> >
> > > Switching to ECL as the cross-build host is something what we probably
> > > want to do, as it would also allow sbcl to be build on arm and
> > > arm64. I had a version of the port which did this but as you saw, it
> > > was rather slower than with clisp.
> >
> > (I don't have any arm or arm64 hw to help with that unfortunately)
> >
> > I think we could keep clisp on powerpc and amd64 and use ecl for other
> > arches eventually, or do you prefer to always use the same CL
> > implementation on all architecture to build sbcl?
> >
> > (I've also removed the RCS id from the makefile and plist as per recent
> > developments since I was here)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Omar Polo

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/ports/lang/sbcl/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -p -r1.48 Makefile
--- Makefile 11 Mar 2022 19:29:14 -0000 1.48
+++ Makefile 29 Mar 2022 06:52:54 -0000
@@ -1,33 +1,15 @@
-BROKEN-i386 = build fails in "Compiling file [...]/src/compiler/generic/genesis.lisp"
-# ;; Compiling file /pobj/sbcl-2.0.1/sbcl-2.0.1/src/compiler/generic/genesis.lisp ...
-# ;; Wrote file /pobj/sbcl-2.0.1/sbcl-2.0.1/obj/from-host/src/compiler/generic/genesis.fas-tmp
-# 0 errors, 0 warnings
-# ;; Loading file obj/from-host/src/compiler/generic/genesis.fas ...
-# ;; Loaded file obj/from-host/src/compiler/generic/genesis.fas
-# *** - OPEN: File
-# #P"/pobj/sbcl-2.0.1/sbcl-2.0.1/obj/from-xc/tls-init.lisp-expr" does not
-# exist
-# The following restarts are available:
-# STOP :R3 stop loading file /pobj/sbcl-2.0.1/sbcl-2.0.1/make-genesis-2.lisp
-# ABORT-BUILD :R4 Abort building SBCL.
-# ABORT :R5 Abort main loop
-# //testing for consistency of first and second GENESIS passes
-# diff: output/genesis-2: No such file or directory
-# error: header files do not match between first and second GENESIS
# not yet ported to other arches
ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = amd64 i386 powerpc

COMMENT= compiler and runtime system for ANSI Common Lisp

-V = 2.1.11
+V = 2.2.3
DISTNAME= sbcl-${V}-source
PKGNAME= sbcl-${V}
WRKDIST= ${WRKDIR}/sbcl-${V}
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
+PATCHORIG = .orig.port

@@ -56,10 +38,17 @@ WANTLIB+= pthread
MAKE_PARAMS += --with-sb-core-compression \

+# contrib/sb-capstone/test.lisp uses it at build-time if present
+BUILD_DEPENDS = devel/capstone/main
.if ${FLAVOR:Mnative_bootstrap}
BUILD_DEPENDS+= lang/sbcl
--disable-debugger --no-sysinit --no-userinit
+.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mi386}
+# ecl is slower but lang/clisp fails to build sbcl on i386
+BUILD_DEPENDS += lang/ecl
+BOOTSTRAP_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/ecl -q --norc
BUILD_DEPENDS += lang/clisp
BOOTSTRAP_CMD = ${LOCALBASE}/bin/clisp -q -norc
Index: distinfo
RCS file: /home/cvs/ports/lang/sbcl/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -p -r1.21 distinfo
--- distinfo 31 Dec 2021 09:53:11 -0000 1.21
+++ distinfo 29 Mar 2022 06:54:22 -0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (sbcl-2.1.11-source.tar.bz2) = v8FIHef9vfru8qsPDo6E79NDQz3qjSHPvqiwFGy9/v0=
-SIZE (sbcl-2.1.11-source.tar.bz2) = 6687529
+SHA256 (sbcl-2.2.3-source.tar.bz2) = 3n9J4fd1D9LNiREe9wZBzFRxNV9iG3NzkqxoqpXzf58=
+SIZE (sbcl-2.2.3-source.tar.bz2) = 6715725

Re: Dell G3 3590 audio and touchpad

Domain /dev/pci0:
0:0:0: Intel Core 8G Host
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 3ec4
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 2090
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 00 Host,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x00e0: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:1:0: Intel Core 6G PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1901
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 1, Subordinate Bus: 1,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: 40, I/O Limit: 40, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: 9000, Memory Limit: a300
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0088: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x00a0: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x8
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x05: Root Complex Link Declaration
0x0d94: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0:2:0: Intel UHD Graphics 630
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 3e9b
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 03 Display, Subclass: 00 VGA,
Interface: 00, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a4000000/0x01000000
0x0018: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x0000000080000000/0x10000000
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x00005000/0x0040
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x1b: Process Address Space ID
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x0f: Address Translation Services
0x0300: Enhanced Capability 0x13: Page Request Interface
0x00ac: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x00d0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:4:0: Intel Core 6G Thermal
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1903
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0090
0x0008: Class: 11 DASP, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5510000/0x00008000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00d0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00e0: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:8:0: Intel Core GMM
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1911
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 08 System, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a552b000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00dc: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00f0: Capability 0x13: PCI Advanced Features
0:18:0: Intel 300 Series Thermal
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a379
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 11 DASP, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a552a000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0:19:0: Intel 300 Series ISH
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a37c
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 07 Communications, Subclass: 00 Serial,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5520000/0x00002000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:20:0: Intel 300 Series xHCI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a36d
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0290
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 03 USB,
Interface: 30, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5500000/0x00010000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0070: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:20:2: Intel 300 Series Shared SRAM
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a36f
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 05 Memory, Subclass: 00 RAM,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a551e000/0x00002000
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5529000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:21:0: Intel 300 Series I2C
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a368
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5528000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5527000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:21:1: Intel 300 Series I2C
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a369
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5526000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:22:0: Intel 300 Series HECI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a360
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 07 Communications, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5525000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x008c: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00a4: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:23:0: Intel 300 Series AHCI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a353
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 02b0
0x0008: Class: 01 Mass Storage, Subclass: 06 SATA,
Interface: 01, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa551c000/0x00002000
0x0014: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa5524000/0x00000100
0x0018: BAR io addr: 0x00005090/0x0008
0x001c: BAR io addr: 0x00005080/0x0004
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x00005060/0x0020
0x0024: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa5523000/0x00000800
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0070: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00a8: Capability 0x12: SATA
0:29:0: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a330
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 2, Subordinate Bus: 2,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: f0, I/O Limit: 00, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a540, Memory Limit: a540
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x4 / x4
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:29:5: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a335
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 3, Subordinate Bus: 3,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: 30, I/O Limit: 30, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a530, Memory Limit: a530
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:29:6: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a336
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 4, Subordinate Bus: 4,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: f0, I/O Limit: 00, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a500, Memory Limit: a510
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 03, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:31:0: Intel HM370 LPC
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a30d
0x0004: Command: 0407, Status: 0000
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 01 ISA,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0:31:3: Intel 300 Series cAVS
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a348
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 04 Multimedia, Subclass: 01 Audio,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 20,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5518000/0x00004000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5200000/0x00100000
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0x0060: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0:31:4: Intel 300 Series SMBus
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a323
0x0004: Command: 0003, Status: 0280
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 05 SMBus,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5522000/0x00000100
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x0000efa0/0x0020
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0:31:5: Intel 300 Series SPI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a324
0x0004: Command: 0402, Status: 0000
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xfe010000/0x00001000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
1:0:0: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 2191
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 03 Display, Subclass: 00 VGA,
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa2000000/0x01000000
0x0014: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x0000000090000000/0x10000000
0x001c: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a0000000/0x02000000
0x0024: BAR io addr: 0x00004000/0x0080
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: a3000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0060: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0258: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0128: Enhanced Capability 0x04: Power Budgeting
0x0420: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0600: Enhanced Capability 0x0b: Vendor-Specific
0x0900: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0bb0: Enhanced Capability 0x15: Resizable BAR
1:0:1: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aeb
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 04 Multimedia, Subclass: 03 HD Audio,
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa30d0000/0x00004000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0060: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
1:0:2: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aec
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 03 USB,
Interface: 30, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a3080000/0x00040000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a30c0000/0x00010000
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 03 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x00b4: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
1:0:3: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aed
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa30d4000/0x00001000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 04 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x00b4: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
2:0:0: SK hynix unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 1c5c, Product ID: 1339
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 01 Mass Storage, Subclass: 08 NVM,
Interface: 02, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5400000/0x00004000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1c5c Product ID: 0000
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00b0: Capability 0x11: Extended Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI-X)
Enabled: yes; table size 32 (BAR 0:8192)
0x00c0: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x4 / x4
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 0000000000000000
0x0160: Enhanced Capability 0x04: Power Budgeting
0x01b8: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0300: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0400: Enhanced Capability 0x0b: Vendor-Specific
0x0900: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
3:0:0: Realtek 8168
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10ec, Product ID: 8168
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 02 Network, Subclass: 00 Ethernet,
Interface: 00, Revision: 15
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR io addr: 0x00003000/0x0100
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5304000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5300000/0x00004000
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0 PME# enabled
0x0050: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 2.5 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0160: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 01000000684ce000
0x0170: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0178: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x00b0: Capability 0x11: Extended Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI-X)
Enabled: no; table size 4 (BAR 4:0)
4:0:0: Atheros QCA9377
0x0000: Vendor ID: 168c, Product ID: 0042
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 02 Network, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 31
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5000000/0x00200000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 1810
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0050: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 2.5 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0148: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0168: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 0000000000000000
0x0178: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0180: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
Here is the pcidump:

Domain /dev/pci0:
0:0:0: Intel Core 8G Host
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 3ec4
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 2090
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 00 Host,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x00e0: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:1:0: Intel Core 6G PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1901
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 1, Subordinate Bus: 1,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: 40, I/O Limit: 40, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: 9000, Memory Limit: a300
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0088: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x00a0: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x8
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x05: Root Complex Link Declaration
0x0d94: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0:2:0: Intel UHD Graphics 630
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 3e9b
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 03 Display, Subclass: 00 VGA,
Interface: 00, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a4000000/0x01000000
0x0018: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x0000000080000000/0x10000000
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x00005000/0x0040
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x1b: Process Address Space ID
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x0f: Address Translation Services
0x0300: Enhanced Capability 0x13: Page Request Interface
0x00ac: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x00d0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:4:0: Intel Core 6G Thermal
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1903
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0090
0x0008: Class: 11 DASP, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 07
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5510000/0x00008000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00d0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00e0: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:8:0: Intel Core GMM
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: 1911
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 08 System, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a552b000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00dc: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00f0: Capability 0x13: PCI Advanced Features
0:18:0: Intel 300 Series Thermal
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a379
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 11 DASP, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a552a000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0:19:0: Intel 300 Series ISH
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a37c
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 07 Communications, Subclass: 00 Serial,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5520000/0x00002000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:20:0: Intel 300 Series xHCI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a36d
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0290
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 03 USB,
Interface: 30, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5500000/0x00010000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0070: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:20:2: Intel 300 Series Shared SRAM
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a36f
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 05 Memory, Subclass: 00 RAM,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a551e000/0x00002000
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5529000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:21:0: Intel 300 Series I2C
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a368
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5528000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5527000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:21:1: Intel 300 Series I2C
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a369
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5526000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:22:0: Intel 300 Series HECI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a360
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 07 Communications, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5525000/0x00001000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x008c: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00a4: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0:23:0: Intel 300 Series AHCI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a353
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 02b0
0x0008: Class: 01 Mass Storage, Subclass: 06 SATA,
Interface: 01, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa551c000/0x00002000
0x0014: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa5524000/0x00000100
0x0018: BAR io addr: 0x00005090/0x0008
0x001c: BAR io addr: 0x00005080/0x0004
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x00005060/0x0020
0x0024: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa5523000/0x00000800
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0070: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x00a8: Capability 0x12: SATA
0:29:0: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a330
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 2, Subordinate Bus: 2,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: f0, I/O Limit: 00, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a540, Memory Limit: a540
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x4 / x4
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:29:5: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a335
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 3, Subordinate Bus: 3,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: 30, I/O Limit: 30, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a530, Memory Limit: a530
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:29:6: Intel 300 Series PCIE
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a336
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 04 PCI,
Interface: 00, Revision: f0
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 81, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: Primary Bus: 0, Secondary Bus: 4, Subordinate Bus: 4,
Secondary Latency Timer: 00
0x001c: I/O Base: f0, I/O Limit: 00, Secondary Status: 2000
0x0020: Memory Base: a500, Memory Limit: a510
0x0024: Prefetch Memory Base: fff1, Prefetch Memory Limit: 0001
0x0028: Prefetch Memory Base Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x002c: Prefetch Memory Limit Upper 32 Bits: 00000000
0x0030: I/O Base Upper 16 Bits: 0000, I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits: 0000
0x0038: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 03, Line: ff, Bridge Control: 0010
0x0040: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 128 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x0d: Access Control Services
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x1f: Precision Time Measurement
0x0200: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0220: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x1d: Downstream Port Containment
0x0080: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0090: Capability 0x0d: PCI-PCI
0x00a0: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0:31:0: Intel HM370 LPC
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a30d
0x0004: Command: 0407, Status: 0000
0x0008: Class: 06 Bridge, Subclass: 01 ISA,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0:31:3: Intel 300 Series cAVS
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a348
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 04 Multimedia, Subclass: 01 Audio,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 20,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5518000/0x00004000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5200000/0x00100000
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0050: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0080: Capability 0x09: Vendor Specific
0x0060: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0:31:4: Intel 300 Series SMBus
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a323
0x0004: Command: 0003, Status: 0280
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 05 SMBus,
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5522000/0x00000100
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR io addr: 0x0000efa0/0x0020
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0:31:5: Intel 300 Series SPI
0x0000: Vendor ID: 8086, Product ID: a324
0x0004: Command: 0402, Status: 0000
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: 10
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 00
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xfe010000/0x00001000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 00 Line: 00 Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
1:0:0: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 2191
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 03 Display, Subclass: 00 VGA,
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa2000000/0x01000000
0x0014: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x0000000090000000/0x10000000
0x001c: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a0000000/0x02000000
0x0024: BAR io addr: 0x00004000/0x0080
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: a3000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0060: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0250: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0258: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x0128: Enhanced Capability 0x04: Power Budgeting
0x0420: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0600: Enhanced Capability 0x0b: Vendor-Specific
0x0900: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0bb0: Enhanced Capability 0x15: Resizable BAR
1:0:1: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aeb
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 04 Multimedia, Subclass: 03 HD Audio,
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa30d0000/0x00004000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 02 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0060: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
1:0:2: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aec
0x0004: Command: 0006, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 03 USB,
Interface: 30, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a3080000/0x00040000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR mem prefetchable 64bit addr: 0x00000000a30c0000/0x00010000
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 03 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x00b4: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
1:0:3: NVIDIA unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10de, Product ID: 1aed
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 0c Serial Bus, Subclass: 80 (unknown),
Interface: 00, Revision: a1
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 80, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 32bit addr: 0xa30d4000/0x00001000
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 04 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0068: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0078: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x8 / x16
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x00b4: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
2:0:0: SK hynix unknown
0x0000: Vendor ID: 1c5c, Product ID: 1339
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 01 Mass Storage, Subclass: 08 NVM,
Interface: 02, Revision: 00
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5400000/0x00004000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1c5c Product ID: 0000
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0080: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0090: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x00b0: Capability 0x11: Extended Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI-X)
Enabled: yes; table size 32 (BAR 0:8192)
0x00c0: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 5.0 / 8.0 GT/s
Link Width: x4 / x4
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0150: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 0000000000000000
0x0160: Enhanced Capability 0x04: Power Budgeting
0x01b8: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0300: Enhanced Capability 0x19: Secondary PCIe Capability
0x0400: Enhanced Capability 0x0b: Vendor-Specific
0x0900: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
3:0:0: Realtek 8168
0x0000: Vendor ID: 10ec, Product ID: 8168
0x0004: Command: 0007, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 02 Network, Subclass: 00 Ethernet,
Interface: 00, Revision: 15
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR io addr: 0x00003000/0x0100
0x0014: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0018: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5304000/0x00001000
0x0020: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5300000/0x00004000
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 0949
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0 PME# enabled
0x0050: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: yes
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 128 / 128 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 2.5 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0140: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0160: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 01000000684ce000
0x0170: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0178: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM
0x00b0: Capability 0x11: Extended Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI-X)
Enabled: no; table size 4 (BAR 4:0)
4:0:0: Atheros QCA9377
0x0000: Vendor ID: 168c, Product ID: 0042
0x0004: Command: 0000, Status: 0010
0x0008: Class: 02 Network, Subclass: 80 Miscellaneous,
Interface: 00, Revision: 31
0x000c: BIST: 00, Header Type: 00, Latency Timer: 00,
Cache Line Size: 10
0x0010: BAR mem 64bit addr: 0x00000000a5000000/0x00200000
0x0018: BAR empty (00000000)
0x001c: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0020: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0024: BAR empty (00000000)
0x0028: Cardbus CIS: 00000000
0x002c: Subsystem Vendor ID: 1028 Product ID: 1810
0x0030: Expansion ROM Base Address: 00000000
0x0038: 00000000
0x003c: Interrupt Pin: 01 Line: ff Min Gnt: 00 Max Lat: 00
0x0040: Capability 0x01: Power Management
State: D0
0x0050: Capability 0x05: Message Signalled Interrupts (MSI)
Enabled: no
0x0070: Capability 0x10: PCI Express
Max Payload Size: 256 / 256 bytes
Max Read Request Size: 512 bytes
Link Speed: 2.5 / 2.5 GT/s
Link Width: x1 / x1
0x0100: Enhanced Capability 0x01: Advanced Error Reporting
0x0148: Enhanced Capability 0x02: Virtual Channel Capability
0x0168: Enhanced Capability 0x03: Device Serial Number
Serial Number: 0000000000000000
0x0178: Enhanced Capability 0x18: Latency Tolerance Reporting
0x0180: Enhanced Capability 0x1e: L1 PM

Em qui., 31 de mar. de 2022 às 11:19, Michael Stolovitzsky <> escreveu:

> On 3/31/22 17:54, Adriano Barbosa wrote:
> > Hi misc
> >
> > I'm trying to make audio and touchpad work on a Dell laptop.
> > I've never played with this kind of stuff and I don't even know how to
> > properly start.
> > I have no hope on making NVIDIA hardware to work, but I believe
> > Realtek ALC295 audio could work as, from what I got, it is supported
> > by OpenBSD.
> [snip]
> Azalia driver doesnt detect your codecs correctly. On top of that, it
> may be a Dell specific hardware ID issue.
> Please post the output of pcidump -v
