Thursday, August 31, 2017

Re: Moving a Web site from IIS to httpd

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 07:20:16PM +0000, Peter Fraser wrote:
> It would be nice if httpd could be used to convert or ignore case in URL's.

Hi Peter,

First of all, from an SEO standpoint, you shouldn't ignore the case in
URL's, as you end up with duplicate content. Pick a certain naming style
and use it everywhere on your site.

Your best luck is to check your logs for incorrect links. Then simply
add a "location" block for every link and redirect it to the correct one
using a "block return 301". Be sure to use the 301 (Permanently moved)
to tell clients not to use the old URL anymore.

server "domain.tld" {
listen on * port 80

location "/FOOBAR.HTML" {
block return 301 "http://domain.tld/foobar.html"

You can probably make this a bit more universal using patterns(7) for
the locations block. Also, the example above is more or less copied from

Another alternative, like you said, is to create a copy of the page. To
prevent duplicate content and let clients know where your "real" page
is, use a link canonical tag. E.g,

<link rel="canonical" href="http://domain.tld/foobar.html">

However, this won't solve the issue with others linking to the wrong
pages and it will probably be a real pain to maintain your site.

Jesper Wallin

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