Monday, October 02, 2017

Re: stickers

Secondary sticker sources (like Red Bubble et al) are very low quality
compared to the original art and make no money for the project; I wouldn't
waste my time on that.

I have supplies for my next two laptops, so I suppose we have a year to
persuade you on how good would be making stickers again.


2017-10-02 5:21 GMT+02:00 Theo de Raadt <>:

> > Now that there are no CDs, are stickers also gone?
> I guess many people didn't think through what happened when CD
> production stopped.
> Stickers, posters, etc. were subsidized by the sales of CDs.
> With CDs gone, of course there isn't an efficient way to sell
> stickers, and make even a few pennies in return for producing art.
> Some shops now print our older stickers or newer (minimal) release
> art, and there's nothing we can do about it. We can complain but it
> solves nothing. The project and I don't get a single penny.
> Sure those of you who want the stickers benefit, but that's selfish
> isn't it.
> The OpenBSD Foundation never participated in making artwork. It was
> always done by me, out of CD income. It was a tremendous amount of
> effort twice a year, coming up with the ideas and completing them.
> When CDs stopped returning at least some income, that process had to
> stop for everything.

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