Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Re: UPDATE: burp -> 2.0/2.0.54, stable (2.1.28)

On 2018/02/28 16:43, Jiri B wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 08:08:02PM -0500, Jiri B wrote:
> > I have no idea how to solve this - no conflict, thus one could have
> > old server and would like to install new client or vice-versa.
> > What to do with configuration files? I have no opinion.
> Hi,
> I hope I finally was successful to make diff for burp.

Diff only has one of the two versions. Can you just send a tar?

> - moving current port version into '2.0' subdir
> - adding 'stable' subdir for 2.1.28

2.0 and 'stable' doesn't seem very natural. I think this would
be better named 2.0 and 2.1.

> - I would love to know how to build -static flavor so I could use burp
> for disaster recovery from ramdisk env.

You're into custom ramdisks then really, which is beyond the scope of
ports. It would probably need to be non-PIE as well as static. I think
you'd have less trouble with a USB stick or netboot installation
rather than ramdisk for DR.

> - If there would be pledge restrictions, it would be great too...

As a starting point: run it under ktrace, exercise as many options
as possible, figure out somewhere you can draw a line as "program has
initialised", and see which system calls it uses after that point.

> Question: I could not do 'make fetch' in 'stable' subdir, it was
> showing error that distinfo does not exist, no idea what's going on?!

make makesum, but you might still have problems until sourceforge
is a bit more mended.

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