Saturday, July 28, 2018

Re: NEW: games/openomf

On 07/21/18 11:04, Brian Callahan wrote:
> On 7/21/2018 9:58 AM, Solene Rapenne wrote:
>> Brian Callahan writes:
>>> On 07/10/18 10:57, Brian Callahan wrote:
>>>> On 07/10/18 05:14, Tom Murphy wrote:
>>>>> The game went Freeware in 1999 and its files are free to
>>>>> download. There's nothing to purchase.
>>>>> OpenOMF uses a MIT license.
>>>> Yes, OpenOMF uses the MIT license. The game assets are still not
>>>> open source, even if freeware. I could not find language saying that
>>>> it would be OK for us to distribute the game assets ourselves (maybe
>>>> that language exists but if it does I couldn't find it).
>>>> Anyhow, I reworded pkg/DESCR and pkg/README to point the user to the
>>>> game assets distributed by They seemed both the most
>>>> neutral and most likely to be around in 100 years out of all the
>>>> places that had a copy.
>>>>> I did the initial port work on it and have been in contact with the
>>>>> developers of openomf.
>>>>> They've make several fixes to cmake to make it more portable,
>>>>> however there's some bits of the game
>>>>> that don't work 100% yet like tournament mode, and there's some
>>>>> bugs in the network code that need fixing, but single and two
>>>>> player modes work.
>>>> Yes, they've been good. They responded right away to a problem I
>>>> found where the game locked up if you tried to remap the player's
>>>> keys.
>>>>> The libdumb submodule was there because the libdumb code got taken
>>>>> over by a new developer ( so I'm
>>>>> fairly sure we could update audio/dumb to 2.0.3. I'm not completely
>>>>> certain but I believe the old allegro stuff has been dropped.
>>>> I decided to use libxmp instead of dumb. Upstream supports that, so
>>>> I don't feel much of a reason to use dumb at this point.
>>>>> Thanks to Brian Callahan for sorting out the submodules. Those were
>>>>> doing my head in! :)
>>>> Hence the self-hosted tarball :)
>>>> Updated tarball attached.
>>>> ~Brian
>>> Ping. Game works fine.
>>> ~Brian
>> it would be cool to have a checksum in the README file to be sure that
>> the file downloaded is the right one.
> We could do that, and essentially "bless" the version at
> Makes sense to me.
>> I tried to run the game, I unzipped the .ZIP file into
>> /usr/local/share/openomf/ but I need to run the game from within that
>> directory, or I get an error "MISSING FILE INTRO.BK.".
> This is explained (as best I could) in the pkg/README. Happy to accept
> changes to it if it can be made better.
>> >From the directory with the assets, the game starts, but when I tried to
>> change the resolution of the game, I get a segmentation fault.
> This is known. It's a bug in SDL2 itself (not in openomf). You can
> maximize the window if you'd like it larger, but you can't change the
> resolution until the underlying SDL2 bug is fixed.
> I'll send a new tarball shortly.
> ~Brian

Hopefully this version satisfies the pkg/README suggestions.



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