Saturday, July 28, 2018

Re: UPDATE of lang/ocaml to 4.07 and dependent ports

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 10:40:11AM +0200, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> On 2018-06-21 Christopher Zimmermann <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > the last few days I prepared an update of ocaml to 4.06 and opam to
> > 2.00rc2 and along with it updates or REVISION bumps of the dependent
> > ports.
> Here comes a reworked diff to upgrade to OCaml 4.07. (attached gzipped)
> Thanks for the testing and fixes you supplied so far.
> I believe I included all of them so far.
> I will need some help in moving sysutils/dune to devel/, because I
> imported it into the wrong category.
> Also building dune on sparc64 was broken. I suspect the stack size
> needs to be increased with ulimit -s 8192. Can someone with access to
> sparc64 please test this as I don't have access to any sparc64 machine?
> Christopher

systutils/dune is still failing during build on my amd64 setup.

Short and sweet build log:

>>> Building on localhost under sysutils/dune
BDEPENDS = [lang/ocaml;devel/gmake;sysutils/findlib]
DIST = [sysutils/dune:dune-1.0+beta20.tar.gz]
FULLPKGNAME = dune-1.0+beta20
RDEPENDS = [lang/ocaml]
(Junk lock obtained for localhost at 1532789825)
>>> Running depends in sysutils/dune at 1532789825
/usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair findlib-1.8.0 gmake-4.2.1 ocaml-4.07.0
was: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair findlib-1.8.0 gmake-4.2.1 ocaml-4.07.0
/usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair findlib-1.8.0 gmake-4.2.1 ocaml-4.07.0
>>> Running show-prepare-results in sysutils/dune at 1532789826
===> sysutils/dune
===> Verifying specs: c m pthread
===> found c.92.4 m.10.1 pthread.25.1
(Junk lock released for localhost at 1532789827)
distfiles size=395586
>>> Running patch in sysutils/dune at 1532789827
===> sysutils/dune
>>> Running configure in sysutils/dune at 1532789827
===> sysutils/dune
>>> Running build in sysutils/dune at 1532789827
===> sysutils/dune
===> Building for dune-1.0+beta20
Fatal error: the file './boot.exe' is not a bytecode executable file
gmake: *** [Makefile:10: release] Error 2
*** Error 2 in sysutils/dune (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ '/wrkobjdir/dune-1.0+beta20/.build_done')
*** Error 1 in sysutils/dune (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ 'build')
===> Exiting sysutils/dune with an error
*** Error 1 in /usr/ports (infrastructure/mk/ 'build')
Error: job failed with 256 on localhost at 1532789827

build.exe does exist in the WRKOBJ directory, and as far as OoenBSD is
concerned it is marked 'x' for the user (_pbuild), group and
others. So I assume this is an ocaml complaint.

Now, I note that the dependency listed as present is 4.06.1, which is
not what I was expecting from a diff labelled ocaml 4.7. :-)

I had a clean ports tree when I applied the diff and found no .rej
files. My finger memory always types "patch -p0 < ~/<blah>" so if
there are other options needed to create or remove files/directories
there may be a problem. Which I will now go and double check.

Currently I am just attempting to build sysutils/dune so the whole
process only takes an hour or two from scratch. Much better than a few
days. So experiments are certainly possible.

.... Ken

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