Thursday, August 30, 2018

[NEW] devel/wabt

Hi all.

i've been using the "WebAssembly Binary Toolkit" lately and thought i create a
proper port for it.

The port doesn't support running the tests as they require
some git submodules including
the gtest source. Sadly, my cmake skills are not good enough to make the build system
use gtest from ports so i decided against it for the moment.

In case you wanna compile a small WebAssembly programm yourself, take a look at



WABT (we pronounce it "wabbit") is a suite of tools for WebAssembly, including:

wat2wasm: translate from WebAssembly text format to the WebAssembly binary
wasm2wat: the inverse of wat2wasm, translate from the binary format back
to the text format (also known as a .wat)
wasm-objdump: print information about a wasm binary. Similiar to objdump.
wasm-interp: decode and run a WebAssembly binary file using a stack-based
wat-desugar: parse .wat text form as supported by the spec interpreter
(s-expressions, flat syntax, or mixed) and print "canonical"
flat format
wasm2c: convert a WebAssembly binary file to a C source and header

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