Friday, August 31, 2018

Re: Selling things through the mailing list allowed? I have compatible THIN CLIENTS for Firewall / Router appliance use Available

On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 08:16:12 +0100, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
> On 31/08/2018, Alexis <> wrote:
>> Jon Tabor <> writes:
>>> Yep, right there with ya. So, ah...what's everyone using for
>>> mail
>>> filtering these days? Spamassassin? ClamAV? Something else
>>> entirely?
>> i use maildrop:
> $ pkg_info fdm

I like sieve, mostly because it's a publicly specified language.
pkg_info shows three manage-sieve implementations. I think most sieve
implementations are included with LDAs, which prolly means IMAP servers
(I use Dovecot's, which is called pigeonhole; I don't have managesieve
turned on so it's just a file in my home dir and sievec to
compile/validate it).


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