Sunday, September 02, 2018

Issue with OpenSMTPD, procmail and comsat


I figured out an issue with opensmtpd, procmail, and comsat.
The .forward for procamil must be

"|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f - || exit 75"

The -f - option makes procmail to include a dummy mail-from header
line. But this line is corrupt. comsat(8) does not like this:

Sep 1 19:10:41 ws comsat[11416]: ':/var/mail/dra' is invalid

in /var/log/messages. But mutt can read this mail.

Without the -f - option in the .forward file my mailspool is corrupted
because of the missin first line (mail-from header). The currect
solution is: I have turned off comsat in inetd.conf. But i am
unsatisfied with this. It would be better if opensmtpd would include
the mail-from header if processinf the .forward to procmail.


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