Saturday, September 01, 2018

Re: Ultra-portable laptops

On Sat, Sep 01, 2018 at 09:16:45AM +0100, Oliver Leaver-Smith wrote:
> Hello
> What's the current landscape for OpenBSD regarding support for ultra-portable/pocketable laptops? I'm classing ~7" screen in this category, such as the GPD Pocket.
> Does anyone have experience with getting OpenBSD running on such a device?
> I understand the limitations of such devices, but as a secondary—or 9th—device they're fine.
> Many thanks,
> Oliver

GPD pocket works fine except for the following -

Suspend/resume (ZZZ aka hibernate might work, I didn't try)


Wireless (can be easily made to work with a file containing NVRAM content

USB-C (the USB-A port works fine, and charging via USB-C works, you just can't
plug devices into the USB-C port and have them recognized)

Battery/AC adapter status


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