Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Re: Bluetooth Support

On Tue 30 Oct 2018 9:07 PM, Marco Menne wrote:
> Hello there,
> I installed OpenBSD 6.4 on an old iMac from 2010 and nearly everything
> works fine. The sound is cruel but this is a minor problem.
> The Apple has a Bluetooth keyboard and I do not find a way to get it
> working. I read in some forum that Bluetooth is not supported in OpenBSD.
> Is this true?
> I can use an USB-Keyboard, of course, but the Apple keyboard is fine and it
> would be a little bit sad, if I had to change to an usb one.

If you want bluetooth support, you'll need to go all the way back to a
completely unsupport release from May 2014 for release 5.5. All releases since
then have not had bluetooth.

> Greetings, Marco
> - - -
> Marco Menne
> marco.menne17@gmail.com
> GnuPG-Public-Key:
> https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x96A01AB59F6F7ECF

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