Saturday, December 01, 2018

Re: [OT?] I have 4 IPs. How is outbound IP selected, say run lynx URL on server?


Dne 30. 11. 18 v 21:31 Chris Bennett napsal(a):
> I'm just curious. Is there a default method to select on this? Random?
> Can I control this somehow?
> It's clear how everything else selects IP, but I just wanted to know in
> case that ever mattered, say one of my IPs were blocked.
> And I wanted to be sure which IP outbound is or is not used for running
> something like lynx, etc.
> Not terribly important, but at least interesting question for me.
> Thanks,
> Chris Bennett
Martin Sukany
UNIX Engineer - Solaris / Linux / OpenBSD L3 Specialist
+420 776 275 713

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