Friday, March 01, 2019

Re: snapshots files timestamps

Tue, 26 Feb 2019 08:37:04 +0200 Mihai Popescu <>
> Hello,
> I am trying since a while to figure out the master site / mirrors
> files timestamps.

Hi Mihai,

Most probably, you need the file named BUILDINFO, see for example these:

For scripting of course, replace 'amd64' with "$(arch -s)" or `arch -s`.

Comparing these files between the main and local mirrors, and your local
set of downloaded files could be a start in the direction you are going.

Presumably that's validation of the snapshot build time between mirrors.

Here is the current list of mirrors:

However, to make sure you got all files, and these files are consistent,
you could use cksum(1) to validate the check sums of the files you have.

The FAQ describes well the process of validation checksums & signatures:

And also important, you can re-read INSTALL.$(arch -s) in the files dir:

Kind regards,
Anton Lazarov

> Here is the thing: I can see the timestamps on
> master site, (let's skip the transfer protocol, like
> ftp, http/https).
> Are these timestamps the original from compilation time? I mean, does
> they show when the files where compiled? Of course, that means that
> timestamps must be preserved at copy action.
> If it is not the case, does those timestamps show the copy time?
> What about mirrors, do they preserve file timestamps at copy time?
> Are the mirrors using the local time, or the UTC time?
> Thank you.

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