Wednesday, April 01, 2020

news from my hacked box

I found something that in my opinion are nearly evidences.
For those who doesn't know my story please read past messages:
Well, as I said previously my laptop was been hacked then I bought a new laptop because my suspicious are that the uefi or other firmware was been hacked (I reinstalled openbsd various times)
The old laptop had a wifi usb dongle to connect to the wifi router.
Now the new laptop has a wifi chip that works properly on opnebsd.
The inner IF is iwm0.
And I discovered differences on wifi performance between the on board IF and the old usb dongle.
Of course the tests were been made from exactly the same physical place.
The following are the results (I used speedtest-cli):
iwm0 with vpn download: 0,46 mbit/s upload: 0,55 mbit/s
iwm0 without vpn download: 0,50 mbit/s upload: 2,53 mbit/s
urtwn0 with vpn download: 20,88 mbit/s upload: 8,49 mbit/s
urtwn0: without vpn download: 24,83 mbit/s upload 9,27 mbit/s

The following are the results pinging with -c 500:
500 packets transmitted, 500 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
iwm0: round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 18.761/6372.615/72372.495/14987.007 ms
urtwn0: round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 24.068/36.489/878.218/48.120 ms

As I know the traffic shaping is configured by pf with pf.conf, the following is my pf.conf (I'm sorry I'm not a genius of pf):
myvpn="{x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x, x.x.x.x}"
pany="{udp, tcp}"
set skip on tun0
set skip on lo
set block-policy drop
set loginterface $if
block quick inet6
block quick on $if from any to $weird
pass quick proto icmp
pass out quick on $if proto $pany from $if to $dns
pass out quick on $if proto udp from $if to $myvpn
pass out quick on $if proto tcp from $if to
pass out quick on $if proto tcp from $if to
pass out quick on $if proto tcp from $if to
block drop in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
block drop out log proto {tcp udp} user _pbuild
block log quick on $if

Other strange things that happens on my laptop are the following:
1) sometimes my openvpn (2 times on 5) fail authentication even I use a saved file authentication data and pass it the data with --auth-user-pass /my/path/pass
Then in my opinion it's impossible fails the authentication.
2) sometimes KeePassXC fails authentication on random site. If I copy the password and paste it by hand it works.
3) and of course there are people that can spy me and modify suggested videos on youtube. Please do not comment this because I know it's very subjective.

As I said previously in my opinion there is 0day on how is implemented the tcp/ip stack in the kernel.
And the vulnerability can be exploited by a mitm attack from the home router.
Thank you Cord.

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