Monday, August 31, 2020

Re: Tons of empty man pages for new ports for LedgerSMB

Hi Chris,

Chris Bennett wrote on Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 11:17:24PM -0500:
> On 2020/08/27 20:51, Chris Bennett wrote:

>> I just found a bunch of new Locale perl modules added to the depends
>> list.
>> They all have empty man pages from no PODs.
>> About 20ish ports, most are just relevant data files for each language.
>> Should I just delete these from the PLISTs or is there an easier way to
>> prevent their generation?

> The man page problem is from the modules only having just enough of a
> POD to name the package. Nothing else.

If i understand correctly what you are saying and if your assessment
is correct (i didn't check), then essentially upstream is shipping
empty manual pages.

In such a case, commenting them out in the PLIST seems reasonable to
me. Maybe put a comment similar to the following above them, to
reduce the risk that upstream later adds content to them but we
keep them commented out:

@comment When updating, check whether these manuals are still empty.


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