From Stuart Henderson
> update to blender-2.91.0, from Dimitri Karamazov (and earlier work on
> 2.81 from Andrea Fleckenstein). Dimitri takes maintainer, agreed with
> pascal@. I added a dep on graphics/potrace because blender picks it up
> at build time if present.
WANTLIB += ${COMPILER_LIBCXX} GL GLEW Half-2_5 Iex-2_5 IlmImf-2_5
WANTLIB += IlmThread-2_5 Imath-2_5 OpenColorIO OpenImageIO SDL2
WANTLIB += X11 Xfixes Xi Xrender Xxf86vm avcodec avdevice avformat
WANTLIB += avutil boost_atomic-mt boost_chrono-mt boost_date_time-mt
WANTLIB += boost_filesystem-mt boost_regex-mt boost_system-mt
WANTLIB += boost_thread-mt c fftw3 freetype jpeg m openal openjp2
WANTLIB += png potrace sndfile swscale tbb tiff tinyxml util yaml-cpp
Hmm..., opencolorio, yaml-cpp, tinyxml, sndfile are present in wantlibs as well.
I guess those should be added to LIB_DEPENDS. yaml-cpp and tinyxml are
recursively pulled by opencolorio, so adding just add will be okay? Also
opencolorio is pulled in by openimageio which is listed in LIB_DEPENDS.
So the question is are recursively pulled dependencies to be listed in LIB_DEPENDS?
From Andrea
> This works for me on amd64. I have some local wip ports for OpenSubdiv
> and and OpenVDB and I'm able to build blender against these, which is
> very helpful.
OpenVDB would be very nice to have, it only supports CPU rendering.
But I will be wary of OpenSubdiv since it seems to supports only modern GPUs.
I'm not sure if it will work on OpenBSD. Did you test them both?
OpenSubdiv requires decent video card and latest video drivers installed.
Recommended video cards are AMD and NVidia, few years old max.
If and when you deem fit to release OpenSubdiv and OpenVDB, one at a time ofcourse,
just cc me.
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