Monday, June 28, 2021

Re: Adding a prompt on the installer before overwriting the partition table

O 28/06/21 ás 16:53, Theo de Raadt escribiu:
> Parodper <> wrote:
>> I think there should be a prompt in the installer before
>> overwriting the partition tables. The current behavior is, when
>> selecting the whole disk, to overwrite the partition table
>> directly.
> Isn't it kind of obvious that selecting the whole disk requires
> overwriting the partition table?

That assumes that people don't make mistakes, like I did. Having the
default option be «delete everything **without asking**» seems to me as
good place to make mistakes. At least the edit option requires more than
just one key press to delete your data

> The installer has acted this way for more than 20 years. It is well
> documented. Haven't heard a complaint in a decade. Did you read the
> installation docs?

There have been multiple complains:

I decided to start a new thread because those old threads usually end
with a «diff please» or centering too much on how the first user wrote
the mail.

> I doubt other major operating system installers ask you again if you
> are sure you want this hidden but obvious step, so why should our
> installer?

Off the top of my head I couldn't tell you how other OS do it, but the
Debian installer puts the template into the partitioning program, and
the program asks no matter the option chosen. I would have suggested
something like that, but I preferred to start with something more simple.

> Meanwhile, your change probably breaks including auto and templated
> installs -- because a newly introduced question which isn't answered
> will receive \n, and without y\n it fails.

That is a good complain. I have no experience with automated installs,
so I don't know how they do it. But if the defaults have to be explicit
then, instead of changing the fdisk option, I propose changing the
default to the «(E)dit» option.

On the other hand, if you don't want to change the installer interface
in any way there is nothing more to discuss.

> Furthermore I think the whole concept of installing multiple
> operating systems on one disk and multiple-booting is increasingly
> complex to the point of being a waste of time.

Multiple partitions are not only used for having multiple operating
systems. I usually have a data partition on my machines.

> Major operating systems don't make it trivial.

Depending on your definition of «trivial», yes they do.

> Why should the smaller systems be held to the standard of making it
> easy?

I am not suggesting that OpenBSD should change the install process for a
tablet-based interface. It is a small change for which I have suggested
a diff.

> Sorry to break the news, but as a rule the most fragile
> configurations of any software are the ones unused by the developers.
> This is definitely one. None of us use multiboot.

True, but this is only tangentially related to multiboot.

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