Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Re: make documentation

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 12:40:21PM +1000, Reuben ua Bríฤก wrote:
> i would like to prefix this by saying i am writing this as a user
> giving feedback and not a developing giving patches and anyone who has
> a problem with that can go shove it rather than telling me to shut up.
> i noticed for a lot of the ports to openbsd, even in base, a lot of
> documentation is either missing or, how shall i put it, over-compiled.
> some examples in my memory are:
> texlive* installs e.g. PDF documenation and removes TeX sources, even
> though in many cases the TeX sources are an integral part of the
> documentation.
> man-pages-posix installs cat files rather than man files. (b.t.w. the
> man tools do work with section 0, you just need change the file
> extension: i would suggest .3p for compatibility with current section.)
> anyway i think users would benefit from including more documentation
> when it is in the sources, but, you know, its your time, so dont do it
> if you dont want, just dont be prissy about it.

TeXlive is already problematic enough to package properly, it is huge
and each new release takes some hand-holding.

Plus, it's the largest packages we ship.

If you really need the source, I suggest you just grab the distfiles and
per-use them... or open some kind of bug-report with the guys who actually
ship TeXlive.

Specifically: out of the (literally) thousands of pdf files we ship, there
are probably some TeX source that should go along with it, but there's
no way we're shipping them all, and there's no way we're sorting through
them by hand !

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