Friday, July 02, 2021

Re: dhcpcd -U6 /var/db/dhcpcd/alc0.lease6 incorrectly returns "dhcpcd is not running"

According to DHCPCD(8):

-U, --dumplease [interface]
Dumps the current lease for the interface to stdout. If no
interface is given then all interfaces are dumped. Use the -4 or
-6 flags to specify an address family. If a lease is piped in
via standard input then that is dumped. In this case, specifying
an address family is mandatory.

So piping in the actual lease should work. Having said that, dhcpcd -U6 alc0, dhcpcd -U alc0, dhcpcd -U6, and dhcpcd -U all timeout:

beta# dhcpcd -U6 alc0
beta# dhcpcd -U alc0
beta# dhcpcd -U6
beta# dhcpcd -U

I understand not backporting it. I will live without being able to dump the lease until then.

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