Friday, July 02, 2021

Re: How to set a HTTP proxy for sysupgrade

On Thu, Jul 01, 2021 at 09:34:32AM -0400, trondd wrote:
> On Thu, July 1, 2021 4:25 am, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 09:23:15PM -0400, trondd wrote:
> >>
> >> I simply echo the export statements of the proxy environment variables
> >> to
> >> /etc/rc.firstime before reboot. The installer will always append to the
> >> file so fw_update will be added after the variables are exported.
> >
> > I will try to remember to do that the next time.
> > Thanks for the hint!
> >
> > Would that be a welcome addition to the installer to do this
> > automatically?
> >
> >
> The installer can't do it. Sysupgrade pulls the sets down and so the
> automated installation does not use the network. It won't know if there
> is a proxy configuration to pass to rc.firsttime.
> I suppose sysupgrade can check the environment for the variables and write
> them out to rc.firsttime if they are set.

I will try to explore that possibility next time I upgrade - had the same
idea. Then send a patch suggestion when the change is tested.

> I just have a wrapper script because I also have internally hosted site
> tarballs that need the proxy disabled to access so it was just easier to
> have my own script to enable and disable the proxy as needed for the steps
> I need to take. I suppose that's why I never thought to try modifying
> sysupgrade. In my environment, I would still need the script regardless.
> Tim.


/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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