Tuesday, August 10, 2021

(bug?) relayd forward to directives interfering

Hello, everyon

I have a super simple (sanitised) relayd.conf

$ext_ip =
table <t-http> { }
table <t-https> { }

http protocol "p-https" {
tls session tickets
tls keypair domain.example
tls ca file "/etc/ssl/cert.pem"
http websockets
tcp { nodelay, sack, socket buffer 65536, backlog 100 }
return error
pass request path log "/http*" forward to <t-http>
pass request path log "/https*" forward to <t-https>
pass response

relay "tlsforward" {
listen on $ext_ip port 443 tls
protocol "p-https"
forward to <t-http> port 81
forward with tls to <t-https> port 82

The the problem is with the second-to-last line.

If I remove "with tls",
then requests to 82 are forwarded unencrypted, and curl test reports
`curl: (52) Empty reply from server`.

However, if I keep "with tls", the requests to port 81 are going
encrypted, and are failing with the following message in relayd logs:
`SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:tlsv1 alert protocol version`,
`TLS handshake error: handshake failed:`.

There should not be any TLS handshakes at port 81, because the backend
at port 81 is http-only.

Could someone verify that this is the case?
Is there anything I am missing here?

Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)

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