Friday, August 13, 2021

Re: literature on tmux

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On Friday, August 13th, 2021 at 8:07 AM, Jean-Pierre de Villiers <> wrote:

> > I'd like to learn this program better.
> >
> > I prefer something printed/pressed instead of e-book.
> I own a copy of a neat little book published by "The Pragmatic
> Programmers" and written by Brian P. Hogan, specifically the 2nd
> edition.
> Though not as authoritative as the manual, it serves as a pretty decent
> summary. At the end of each chapter they also provide a convenient list
> of all the keybindings used in that chapter.
> More info, and an excerpt or two, on their web page:
> Regards,
> JP

Hopefully they've released a new version with new keybindings ?

I've got a whole load of .tmux.conf files scattered around various servers based largely on the contents of that book. I now get lines of error messages because the tmux syntax (or command support) has changed.

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