Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Re: new: multimedia/py-ffmpeg-progress-yield

On 2021/08/10 05:38, Yifei Zhan wrote:
> Hi,
> The attached port, py-ffmpeg-progress-yield, is a wrapper for ffmpeg, it
> executes an ffmpeg command with its progress yielded. It is a new rundep
> for new versions of audio/ffmpeg-normalize.
> Tested on amd64 with ffmpeg-normalize.
> web:
> https://github.com/ZhanYF/static/raw/main/py-ffmpeg-progress-yield.tgz
> comments? ok to import?

"MODPY_VERSION = ${MODPY_DEFAULT_VERSION_3}" shouldn't ever be needed now.
For a port that provides a python module (the sort of port where the name
will have a py-* prefix) use FLAVOR=python3 / FLAVORS=python3. For a
standalone program that just happens to be written in python, use the
default (no FLAVOR).

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