Monday, August 09, 2021

Re: Odd package update problem

On 2021-08-09, Steven Shockley <> wrote:
> For a couple of weeks I've had a 6.9-stable machine that didn't seem to
> be updating packages in packages-stable. In cron I run:
> /usr/sbin/pkg_add -us | /usr/bin/grep -v 'quirks-.* signed on '
> When run via cron, I'd get this output:
> php-7.4.16p0->7.4.22 forward dependencies:
>| Dependency of php-zip-7.4.16p0 on php-7.4.16 doesn't match
>| Dependency of php-gd-7.4.16p0 on php-7.4.16 doesn't match
>| Dependency of php-curl-7.4.16p0 on php-7.4.16 doesn't match
> Merging php-zip-7.4.16p0->7.4.22 (ok)
> Merging php-gd-7.4.16p0->7.4.22 (ok)
> Merging php-curl-7.4.16p0->7.4.22 (ok)
> /dev/sd0h on /usr/local: 82269 bytes (highwater 53572394 bytes)
> /dev/sd0k on /var: 1106 bytes
> None of the packages would actually be updated, which I expected.
> However, if I ran the same command while logged in as root it'd scan the
> packages and show no updates. I even tried updating from php-7.3 to
> php-7.4, and it still didn't grab the -stable versions.
> I noticed that I had this environment variable set:
> export PKG_PATH=`uname
> -r`/packages/`uname -m`/
> On a hunch I unset that, and pkg_add -u updated successfully. However,
> fastly's CDN appears to be up-to-date. Other than not specifying a
> PKG_PATH, any suggestions? I mean it's fixed, I'd just like to know
> what went wrong.
> /etc/installurl contains

If PKG_PATH is set, it's used directly. If not but installurl exists
and you're on a release version rather than a snapshot, pkg_add will
generate a default path including /pub/OpenBSD/%c/%a/packages (release
build) and /pub/OpenBSD/%c/%a/packages-stable (-stable binary packages).

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