Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Re: OpenCV on 6.9 can't open camera

> I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on fixing this!

Not sure if this is a solution for you (unless you want to faff
with creating some minimal Python bindings) but I hacked at the OpenBSD
/usr/X11R6/bin/video source code to create a quick standalone C API
to be used as a library.

Yes, it is probably not so portable as OpenCV but it is much lighter
in terms of dependencies.

openbsd_cam.h [https://pastebin.com/1rDpFMR4]
openbsd_cam.c [https://pastebin.com/kuv3KhCX]

(Original program: https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/xenocara/app/video/video.c)

I also chucked in some decoding so it basically provides you now with
an array of bytes referring to RGB pixels.

Best regards,


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